I’m Slowly Learning That Staying Present Leads To An Incredible Life

When I was younger, I automatically considered the cool kids were anyone older than me. Older kids could do...

What To Do If Your Loved One Is Struggling With Addiction

Many people can not imagine their life without coffee. Others are able to spend days and nights watching TV...

How Napping Can Actually Improve Your Productivity & Health

Many of us find ourselves longing for those childhood days when we had no worries and could nap whenever...

30 Simple Activities That’ll Significantly Increase Your Happiness

As well all know, small joys in our life often go overlooked. However, these can make a large impact...
wellness relaxation travel swimming

5 Wellness Travel Trends You Should Consider Following

Wellness travel is on the rise, and for good reason. Here are the five trends you must check out if you're looking to recharge while you explore.
gratitude grateful thank you thanks

How Excessive Gratitude Actually Harms Your Mental Health

I’ve been taught to be grateful my whole life. I was brought up to write thank you cards, remember...

A Midwife Answers The Vagina Questions You’ve Been Too Nervous To Ask

Weird smells, sounds and STIs? Luckily for you, Heather Sevcik has seen it all! Most people think midwives just handle...
headache chronic migraines

16 Ways Having Chronic Migraines Changes You

Every day it’s hard to drag yourself out of bed and fight a painful chronic disease.  Many people who have...

Study Reveals That Owning A Dog Help You Live Longer

They say that dogs are a man’s best friend, but could our canine BFFs actually prolong our lives? According...

5 Easy Ways To Reconnect With Nature & Improve Your Wellbeing

Do you ever find your days passing you by in a blur of noise, notifications, and neon? Do you...

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