What To Do If Your Loved One Is Struggling With Addiction


Many people can not imagine their life without coffee. Others are able to spend days and nights watching TV shows. However, some can easily abandon their previously beloved cocaine or limit themselves to smoking just one or two cigarettes from time to time. The World Health Organization defines any dependence on psychoactive substances as a syndrome and classifies it as a disease or addiction. 

Every person needs help when sick. Almost everyone knows what to do when your loved one is sick with the flu. But what if it is an addiction instead? This is when it is important to explore drug rehab options based in Texas.

1. Assess the situation at an early stage

Symptoms of drug use vary greatly depending on the person as well as the narcotic types. There are some people who sniff exclusively on weekends whereas some can smoke weed every night. However, there are several similar symptoms for these, such as anxiety, mood swings, lack of interest in things that used to cause excitement, unstable behavior, and problems with relationships, work, or family obligations. 

Nevertheless, it’s important to remember that none of these signs individually indicate drug use or addiction. So if you have some concern, it’s better to just tell your friend that you are always there if they need to talk. Furthermore, you can also pay attention to other physical symptoms: 

  • bloodshot eyes and dilated pupils
  • runny nose and nosebleeds 
  • tremors 
  • slurred speech 
  • sudden weight change

2. Find out if your partner considers this addiction a problem

Without the understanding that addiction negatively affects a person’s life, recovery is almost impossible. Hence, remember to be honest and open and make sure that the person understands that drug use is a serious problem. Remind them about the negative consequences that your loved one might have forgotten about. Maybe they don’t care about their health, but it is imperative that no one else suffers.

You can help an addict only if they are ready to be treated and realize their problem. When such a person is forced into treatment by someone then the situation becomes extremely unfavorable. In fact, in 9 out of 10 such cases the person doesn’t want to stop drug use. A person does this only for the sake of the one who brought them to a drug rehab center.

3. Be near

It is imperative to tell the person that you are worried and want to help them. Remember that they may not want to discuss drug problems with you right away. Hence, it is worth taking small steps from time to time and not turning it into an interrogation. Moreover, avoid talking to people under the influence of drugs. Try to choose moments when you are on a walk or driving somewhere in a car. Offer help but don’t put demands.

4. Don’t judge

There are a lot of stigmas regarding drug use, which is why sick people may be afraid to ask for help. Addiction can be successfully overcome, and the fact that a person once used while young doesn’t mean that this will happen later in life. Furthermore, people who have dealt with drug addiction can be great mentors for those who need help.

5. Help to focus

Try to provide your loved one with an environment that can focus on positive goals. Do not disappear without words and don’t expect that everything will change quickly. People with drug addiction need some time to get back to a normal state. Do not expose the addicted person to emotional pressure either, as this will only aggravate guilt and contribute to continued use.

If you suspect that someone you know and care about struggles with drug use, try following these simple steps in order to help them. Addiction is a serious problem and should be dealt with carefully. 

Featured image via Mikail Duran on Unsplash


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