Swipe On: A Letter To The Hookup Generation

Apparently, a fling is the way to go. Who needs to have a passionate relationship when you could have...

Love Wasn’t Enough: What It Took For Me To Finally Let You Go

Breakups are hard. One minute you are so in love and planning your future together, and the next minute...

10 Brutally Honest Signs Your Relationship Is Flat-Out Over

You never thought you would be one of “those people.” You were much more careful than them. You worked...

How To Know That You Have A ‘Justin Bobby’ In Your Life

If there’s one guy we love to hate on MTV’s The Hills and The Hills: New Beginnings, it’s Justin...

14 Signs You’re In Denial About How Toxic He Is

When you’re cast under the spell of love, sometimes the rose-colored glasses distort your reality. They may even mask...

Opposites Attract: 6 Reasons To Date Someone Who’s Nothing Like You

When you’re in your early 20s, many people would advise you to stay single and be selfish. Many say  this...

Why People In The U.S. Are Getting Married Later In Life (Or Not At All)

Marriage rates in the United States have been steadily declining over the last few decades. Plus, people are tying...

5 Things You Feel When He Toys With Your Emotions

Why can't they be on the same page? Why can't he see what she needs him to see? Why...

10 Ways Couples Can Use Mindfulness To Improve Their Relationship

Mindfulness is a more important part of communication in relationships than many people realize. Conflict is productive in healthy relationships...

Are You Expecting Too Much From Him?

So many of my girl friends are in terrible relationships. It’s like respect is optional in their relationship. The...

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