23 Reasons Brooke Davis Is The Kind Of Woman You Want To Be

I grew up watching One Tree Hill, and my favorite character was always Brooke Davis. We got to see...

What I Wish I Could Tell My Ex Best Friend

I just wanted to start off by saying I miss you. I miss telling you about my life and...

27 Things Women Do To Stay Safe That Men Will Never Have To

As a child I used to get so annoyed by all of the freedom my guy friends and my...

The Twisted Truth Behind Why Girls Say Yes To Sex When They Mean No

With all of the talk in popular media about enthusiastic consent and how #yesmeansyes, it can become a little...

The Top 6 Things Women Complain About During Sex

Note: this article is strictly about sexual experiences between cis-gendered men and cis-gendered women. Not all participants interviewed are...

What She Says vs. What She Means: The Girl Code of Lying

No one is honest 100% of the time. There’s just something so appealing about bending the truth in a...

Why Having Big Boobs Is A Blessing And A Curse

Every morning is a struggle with big boobs. Unlike girls with smaller boobs, I can’t prance around without a...

Why Do Girls Go To the Bathroom in Groups?

To all of you boys out there, I know you’ve seen it happen time and time again. You’re drinking...

10 Lessons You Can Only Learn From Your Older Sister

Although I don't always show or express it, I truly am blessed to have an older sister. Not only...

Why Keeping His Old Texts Is Nothing But A Waste Of Time

When I was ten years old, the boy next door broke my heart into a thousand pieces and in...

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