Finding A Middle Ground: Let’s Banish The Chivalry Spectrum

Chivalry as we know it today is usually associated with men behaving in a kind and polite way towards...

Why Being Bossy is a Blessing

“Little girls with dreams become women with vision.” Beyoncé and Oprah, along with some of the world’s most powerful women,...

Why the Female Population of Generation Y is the Absolute Worst.

Alright ladies of the world, listen up. You with the double X chromosome, put down your stupid phone and...

Latex Ladies: Should Girls Carry Condoms?

There are between 50 to 200 non-virgins per fraternity and/or sorority house getting laid every weekend. And that’s just...

‘A+’ in Independence: Why College is not for Husband-Hunting

A college woman’s personal response to “The Princeton Mom” a.k.a. Susan Patton’s marriage advice to college females everywhere Last month,...

The Kind Girl: Why Empowering Other Women is Empowering Yourself

College-aged women are living in a world that looks drastically different from their grandmothers’ and great-grandmothers’ worlds.  Hemlines have...

Losing ‘It’: A Collection of V-Card Swiping Moments

Doing “it.” Popping your cherry. Giving away your flower. Knocking boots. Losing your v-card. Going all the way. Bumping...

What She Says vs. What She Means: The Girl Code of Lying

No one is honest 100% of the time. There’s just something so appealing about bending the truth in a...

Why Do Girls Go To the Bathroom in Groups?

To all of you boys out there, I know you’ve seen it happen time and time again. You’re drinking...

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