Why Sexting Should Not Be Considered One Of The Bases

I love sex and I love talking about it. What's so wrong with sexting? It's a modern prelude to foreplay,...

Nothing But Hook-Ups: Why Being Single In College Is Overrated

I spent my first year of college boyfriend-less and by myself. After realizing the April prior to leaving for...

Alphabet Dating: How 26 Spontaneous Dates Will Spice Up Any Relationship

With Valentine’s Day approaching, you can almost hear the distant groans of the girls who are single as another...

Relationships To RelationSH*TS: The 4 Worst Pieces Of Dating Advice Ever Given

I don’t know what’s worse: being single or receiving the most terrible advice in regards to being single. While...

Say What You Need To Say: Why Honesty Is The Best Policy In A Relationship

Communication. One of the most overused words in the vocabulary of a boyfriend or a girlfriend. After all, when...

Make Or Break: How A Bad First Kiss Changes Everything

It’s the first date and things are going really well, your date is being generous or funny or maybe...

The BF Dilemma: Struggling To Balance A Best Friend And A Boyfriend

Entering a new relationship is exciting, scary, and invigorating, all at once. Finally finding someone you really like and...

Redefining ‘Single’: Why Alone Doesn’t Mean Lonely

Being in a relationship is, by definition, a commitment. It’s more than just, “I like you, you like me,...

The Heart Wants To Move On: Why Texting Your Ex Is The Worst Idea

It’s your first time that your potential new boo-thing is out in public with you. The two of you...

Why The F*ck Is Dating A Lot Of People A Bad Thing?

Our 20’s is a time for us to be selfish, to take risks. It’s a time to travel the...

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