No Risk, No Reward: Why You Should Never Regret Your Summer Fling

When I came back to my hometown the summer after my freshman year of college, I was pretty sure...

Why The Friend-Zone Doesn’t Have To Be The End-Zone

Hello, it's me again. I know it's been awhile since we've talked, but I thought I owed you a...

4 Necessary Steps For Getting Through Your Break Up

There he is, he opened the door to his apartment. The same apartment I drove 3 hours to, just...

Why Long Distance Doesn’t Have To Ruin Every Relationship

Like many people facing the dreaded long-distance-or-breakup-debate, I was stuck in a similar situation four years ago. When the...

From Denial To Obsession: The 4 Stages Of Liking Someone

Crushes are like disasters just waiting to happen. You know what’s waiting for you at the end of it...

Go Younger: Don’t Lower Your Standards, Lower Your Age Range

In my high school years, I was notorious for liking boys younger than me. It was the norm for...

The First Cut Is The Deepest: Why You Never Forget Your First Love

Many of us have a secret. Well, all of us do. However, you may not know that the same secret...

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: 15 Songs To Get You Through It

You're going through a break up and have eaten more Ben and Jerry's than legal limitations should allow. We've...

7 Guys Share How They Would React To Their Girlfriends Getting Catcalled

Every female out there knows that being catcalled is nothing new. The sad truth is that, if you’re a...

4 Twitter Love Stories Prove Better Match-making Than Tinder

We’ve evolved to a point where almost everyone has had Tinder, or some other dating app downloaded at some...

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