
Why The “Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss” Mentality Is Toxic

Are you familiar with the “live, laugh, love” motto? The other day, I learned from a friend that Tumblr...

Why The Book ‘Speak’ Is Monumental To The #MeToo Movement

In 1999, Laurie Halse Anderson released the book Speak, which at the time was a controversial novel about a...

10 Of The Most Valuable Lessons You Should Know In Your Twenties

As I’ve grown and changed throughout my life, I’ve learned many valuable lessons that I’m proud to carry with...

Why Our Generation Has Romanticized The Idea Of ‘Hustling’

"Always-on is weird. It's not how humans thrive. It's not how productive people breakthrough. We have to dismantle it...

5 Poems That Will Make You Fall in Love With Language Again

Today is International Dylan Thomas Day! A notorious man of drink and free-spirited action, Dylan Thomas (1914-1953) was a...

Read This If You Have A Startup Idea That You’re Scared To Pursue

To clear the air right from the beginning and before you’re wondering if I really play video games, yes,...

My Best Friend Catfished Me But Refuses To Admit It

We all know what being catfished means — it's being a victim of someone who has a fake online...

13 Reasons The ‘Hustle Culture’ Is Truly Problematic

Hello Internet, Recently, my sidebars have exploded with mindfulness, meditation, and yoga ads, so I assume my generation has started...

How To Deal With Being The Youngest In Your Office

Girl, flaunt what you got now while you’re young. I love being in my early twenties, but I hate...

Why Walking Out Can Be The Best Decision You Ever Make

Life is hard, we all know this, but some things tend to be harder for different people. Some things...

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