It’s Time To Stop Defining Yourself By What Size You Wear

For me, 2014 was the year of pants. I spent the entire year thinking about my pants and how...

Dump The Diet, Change Your Life: How To Get Healthy the Right Way

College can be fun. It can be exciting, experimental, and life changing. But when it comes to that unlimited...

There’s No Such Thing As ‘The Perfect Body’ And That’s Okay

Recently, I went on a spontaneous vacation to San Diego with a friend. San Diego means beaches, and beaches...

College: How We Handle Our Stress Doesn’t Define Us

You don’t need a degree to know that college is hard. Between staying up late to study and working...

8 Ways To Get A Spring Break Body Without Hitting The Gym

It’s almost the most wonderful time of winter semester - spring break! Even with your remaining homework assignments, midterms...

Switching From The Gym To The Studio: How To Easily Develop A Yoga Routine

While there will always be work out fads, one of the more popular being yoga.  Developed centuries ago, yoga...

5 Ways We Trick Ourselves Into Thinking We’re Being Healthy When We’re Not

“Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels," the battle cry of the college female. Our society places such high...

From Britney Spears to Amanda Bynes: Why We Need To Stop Laughing And Realize Mental Illness

On November 10, Amanda Bynes tweeted out to her nearly 3.6 million followers, “It’s against my religion to follow...

Kicking Starbucks to the Curb: The Fight Against GMOs Continues

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that Starbucks should officially be off the menu for anyone...

Why Ladies Need to Stop Avoiding the “Men’s Area” at the Gym

There is nothing more irritating than hearing people refer to the free-weights section in the gym as the “men’s...

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