4 Things That Stress You Out And How To Cope With Them

In our 20s, everything seems so stressful since our lives are most likely full of deadlines, exams, and responsibilities;...

I Asked A Mental Health Counselor 7 Important Questions, And Here Were His Answers

In the last few years, there has been a rise in mental health awareness nationwide. It seems that people...

10 Throwback Songs To Boost Your Workout

Music is the backbone to every good workout. There are days when I misplace my headphones and actually choose...

8 Tips To Help You Improve Your Overall Health & Well-Being

Maintaining your mental, physical, and emotional well-being is an important way to live a full life. Even if you...

5 Self-Care Tips You Need To Live Your Best Life

Self-care is of utmost importance to the human race no matter who you are. Finding a healthy balance between...
busy fitness

7 Health & Fitness Tips For Chronically Busy People

The fast pace of life can make it hard for us to get important things, like exercise, done with...

You Should Consider Red Light Therapy Because Of These 6 Benefits

You may have noticed an increase in red-light flooded ads in social media lately. Or you may have noticed...

The 9 Stages Of Getting Back Into Exercising As Told By Friends

Recently, I got some spare time on my hands, and as the hard-working Capricorn that I am, I couldn't...

Iron Up: The Reality Of Getting Diagnosed With Anemia In Your 20s

Over the past year, I was “exhausted” but didn’t know why. I’d wake up, go to school or work,...

How To Get Yourself Out Of That Damn Funk

We've all been there. You feel sluggish, unmotivated and bland, and you have no idea why. Chances are, you're...

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