6 Ways You Could Be Smarter With Your Money

I am trying to teach myself how to save money. Face it. We don’t know. We weren’t taught in school how to budget our money, we weren’t told to shop less, and we weren’t told how to shop smartI was so close to putting all my cards in water and freezing them because no matter what I did… My bank account was always in the negatives.

But now, I’ve learned a few tips on how to save money, and it’s time to share them with the world. Here are some simple ways to help you save money (and be more money smart). Always remember, little things add up.

Bring Your Own Lunch.

I was buying my lunch every single day. Throwing ten dollars down a day may not seem like a lot. But add that up and times it by 7. That’s $70! Crazy. Make more than you would for dinner, and eat that for lunch.

Stop Spending Those Small Bills.

I used to spend my $5 bills because I thought it wasn’t that much. But if you add up all those $5 bills I spent…The number would be frightening.

Write It All Down.

And I mean, everything. Write down the plastic bags you pay for, write down the makeup you buy, write down the socks, the pens, the notebooks. Everything! You’ll notice all the small and pointless things you spend your money on.

Make Your Coffee At Home.

If you are buying your coffee every day, that’s going to add up. Two dollars a day is 14 dollars a week, and almost 60 dollars a month! So, save yourself the money and make your coffee at home.

Carry Cash.

This is something that has helped me a lot. If you use cash instead of using a card you limit yourself from spending too much. If you take $100 out of your bank account you can make sure you only spend that amount in a certain period of time. It also helps you keep track on how much you spend.

Make A Change Jar.

This follows the tip above. If you carry cash, you use change a lot, and on stupid things. Put your change into a jar and at the end of the month count it and see how much you have. I did this last month and ended up having $40 in spare change. It may not cover the cost of rent, but it can go a long way.

The most important thing to remember is everything adds up in the end. You may think you’re only spending 50 cents or a dollar, but at the end of the month it will all add up. Put it in a change jar. Count how much you’re spending a month, and make a budget plan.

I know it’s hard, but you’ll get it! Happy counting.

Featured image via Igal Ness on Unsplash


  1. I completely agree with the article – being smart with your money is crucial in today’s economy! It’s amazing how many people struggle to make ends meet despite having a decent income. I’ve found that having a clear budget and setting financial goals has made a huge difference for me. Additionally, I’ve started investing in cryptocurrencies like Ripple, which has been a great way to diversify my portfolio. To buy Ripple, I simply linked my bank card to the exchange and transferred the funds. It’s so easy and convenient! Now, I can sit back and watch my money grow.


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