Woman With Disabilities Living Idependently

What Society Needs To Realize About Disabilities & Independence

Just because I am not as independent as some people with disabilities doesn’t mean I am not independent at...

We Need to Remember That COVID-19 Is Still Killing People

Cities aren’t in lockdown, mask mandates no longer exist, and we no longer see daily death and hospitalization counts...
high intensity workout

6 High-Impact Workouts That Will Improve Your Heart Health

Maintaining a healthy heart is crucial for overall well-being, and an effective way to do this is through regular...
body image

The Unexpected Way My Disability Affects My Body Image

As a person with multiple physical disabilities, I have a complex relationship with my body — and I always...

Stop Going To Work When You’re Sick, You Need To Prioritize Your Health

I recently came back from a trip coughing uncontrollably. I wanted to be safe and not get anyone sick,...
Energy Conservation

5 Tips To Help You Do Your Part For Energy Conservation In 2024

Each year, we speak about the importance of energy conservation, but this year, the importance of this movement can’t...
Recumbent E-Tricycles

Ever Heard Of A Recumbent E-Tricycle? What You Should Know

Do you want to start riding an e-trike? You might benefit more from a recumbent e-tricycle than a standard...

Why It’s Important To Practice Gratitude Every Day

Achieve our goals and improve our overall well-being. The first month of the year is always exciting. We are...

Twisted Love: A Daughter’s Tale Of Munchausen By Proxy

Wake up. Take meds. Go to school. Attend therapy. Take meds. Go to bed. This monotonous routine marked my...
mental health

How To Use Reddit To Find Supportive Mental Health Communities

Note: If you need mental health support right now, call 988 or reach the Substance Abuse and Mental Health...

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