6 High-Impact Workouts That Will Improve Your Heart Health

high intensity workout

Maintaining a healthy heart is crucial for overall well-being, and an effective way to do this is through regular exercise. Different forms of exercise provide different benefits. High-impact workouts are a great way to strengthen your heart if you want to improve your cardiovascular fitness. 

Here are six heart-healthy, high-impact workouts to add to your routine.

1. Running and Sprinting

Running and sprinting are classic high-impact exercises that require minimal equipment, and you can easily incorporate them into any fitness routine. Whether you prefer outdoor running or treadmill sessions, these activities enhance cardiovascular endurance and contribute to overall heart health. 

Running for as little as 10 minutes a day can drastically reduce your risk of heart-related diseases.  

2. Jump Rope

Jumping rope isn’t just for kids — it’s a simple yet highly effective high-impact workout that engages multiple muscle groups and elevates your heart rate. This exercise can dramatically improve your cardiovascular health and enhance coordination and agility. 

Beginners can start with short sessions and, over time, strengthen their heart and improve lung capacity, allowing them to exercise for longer periods. 

3. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

HIIT is a popular workout that integrates short bursts of intense exercise balanced with rest periods or a round of lower-intensity exercise. This workout boosts cardiovascular health, promotes fat loss and improves your metabolism. 

HIIT burns a ton of calories in a short amount of time, meaning you don’t need to spend as much time working out if weight loss or maintenance is your goal. Examples include burpees, squat jumps, mountain climbers and push-ups. 

4. Dance Cardio

Dance cardio workouts, like Zumba or aerobics, offer a fun and energetic way to improve heart health. These classes combine dance movements with cardio exercises, making them suitable for individuals at all stages of their fitness journey. 

Dance workouts also burn over 300 calories if you work hard enough, making them an effective activity for weight loss. The rhythmic nature of dance cardio also enhances coordination and balance, making it an ideal form of movement for older adults, too. 

5. Circuit Training

Circuit training is when you perform several exercises in a planned sequence with short breaks between each one. This high-impact workout targets various muscle groups and keeps your heart rate elevated throughout the session. 

A well-designed circuit typically includes activities such as jump squats, push-ups and jumping lunges. Many gyms have a circuit section with machines, incorporating cardio with strength training for maximum benefits. Circuit workouts are usually between 15–60 minutes, but you’ll get a good sweat regardless of the duration.

6. Boxing

Boxing workouts provide an excellent cardiovascular challenge, whether in a traditional boxing gym or through fitness classes. Punching, kicking and footwork in boxing engage the entire body, promoting a healthy heart and improving strength and stamina. Many fitness studios offer non-contact boxing classes suitable for all fitness levels. 

Is High-Impact Training Right for You?

High-impact training can be invigorating for many and offers plenty of benefits, but it’s essential to consider whether or not this type of training is right for If you have any of the following health conditions, you may want to consult a medical professional before incorporating HIIT into your workout schedule:

  • Joint issues: Those with joint issues like arthritis or a previous injury must be cautious about the effect high-impact training can have on their joints. Activities like running or intense plyometrics exercises may worsen joint pain or lead to injury. 
  • Stress urinary incontinence (SUI): SUI is a common condition leading to leaking urine accidentally. Approximately 50% of women experience occasional urinary incontinence, and high-impact movement like jumping jacks or running may be challenging. 
  • Heart conditions: Exercise places a lot of stress on your heart and the surrounding muscles as it has to work harder to deliver oxygen to your muscles. For those with cardiovascular problems, these workouts can cause your heart to work harder than it should, so individuals should be cautious. 

Keep Your Heart Healthy and Strong

Prioritizing heart-healthy high-impact workouts in your fitness routine can significantly contribute to overall cardiovascular health. It’s important to choose activities that you can enjoy and sustain over time. 

Always consult a health care professional before starting a new exercise program, especially if you have preexisting health conditions. With dedication and consistency, these workouts can strengthen your heart and improve your physical and mental well-being. 

Featured image via MART PRODUCTION on Pexels


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