A Millennial Mom’s Guide To Generation Alpha Slang


“…Back in my day, our calculators only did math and spelled ‘boobs’ upside down … none of this smartphone business — we had to wait until after 9:00 pm to call our friends — you could get knocked out of their Top 8 at any moment…” 

Did your kid say their friend has “rizz?” And did you wonder if it was contagious? 

Have you heard “it’s giving…” and you don’t know what that means? 

You’re not alone. As a millennial parent, I convinced myself I wouldn’t embarrass my kid. After all, I’m not a regular mom; I’m a cool mom! However, in a time when “Mean Girls” has become a musical, I realized I wasn’t as fetch as I once thought among today’s youth.

Dubbed “Generation Alpha,” the youngest generation generally spans those born in the early 2010s. But I didn’t even have Generation Alpha on my radar until my kid started talking like a viral TikTok video I’d never seen. 

Do you want to know what the latest generation slang is, too? Rooted in terms my own kid has used quite often, here are a few common Gen Alpha slang terms.

1. Rizz

The Oxford Dictionary’s 2023 Word of the Year, “rizz” means charm, attractiveness, or charisma — especially regarding a person’s romantic charm. The term is credited to YouTuber Kai Cenat. If a person has rizz, that they’ve got game. Just ask Zendaya.


2. Fanum tax 

Gamer and Internet personality, Fanum, snagged a cookie from friend Cenat’s plate on the popular game streaming platform Twitch, coining it the “Fanum tax.” Joey from “Friends” would never pay the Fanum tax. 


3. Sus

This is shorthand for “suspicious.” 

4. Noob

A “noob” is an unskilled person, especially when it comes to technology. 


5. Cap/No Cap  

People use the word “cap” and “no cap” to affirm someone is telling the truth. The phrase “No cap” means it’s true and “cap” means it’s a lie.  


6. Cringe

Cringe refers to something awkward or embarrassing like its root word. For example: “It is so cringe to write an article on generational slang.”


7. It’s Giving 

Kids use this to describe the vibe or energy something provides. For example, I’d describe the unfortunate current floral maxi dress trend as “it’s giving Little House on the Prairie vibes.” I said what I said. 


8. Roast

To “roast” someone means you jokingly tease or insult them. 

9. Drip 

If you have “drip,” you have a cool or trendy sense of style. For example, if your outfit “slays,” it also “drips.” 


10. GYAT

Pronounced “gee-yacht,” this word describes someone with a trendily curvy body. For example, Demi Lovato could be a “GYAT,” or you could describe them as GYAT. This word mimics the phrase “PHAT,” which is an acronym for “pretty, hot, and tempting.”


11. Ohio 

Ohio just means really weird sh*t. My former uterine tenant wasn’t into geography, so upon hearing “Ohio” referenced often, I needed to know. If you’re from Ohio, please don’t come for me. In all fairness, if we had an American state that epitomized oddities, I’d have guessed Florida. 


12. Delulu

Like many Gen Alpha slang terms, “delulu” is shorthand for “delusional.” 


13. Solulu

This word is short for “solution.” 

14. Skibidi

Saving the best (or worst) for last, “skibidi” is short for Skibidi Toilet, an interesting YouTube video series featuring toilets with human heads intent on world domination. It means “evil”. Y’all can uh, Google that one. I’d like to sleep tonight. 


15. Algospeak

Finally, here’s your last vocabulary lesson: “algospeak.” While not exclusive to our newest generation, they’ve embraced it! To avoid bans or other restrictions, social media users speak in coded terms or substitute characters in words. For example, if the Gen Alpha kids in your life suddenly discuss corn…well, let’s just say they’re likely not discussing the vegetable. 


Honestly, there’s no need to inquire about the early bird specials quite yet; we aren’t that old. It’s simply our turn in the game. And I, for one, am ready! Generation Alpha kids has the world on their shoulders the way we did, and our parents before us, each hoping the next generation would make changes and make the world a better place. In each of our own ways, we’ve done that. 

So, as I might be unsure why my kid tells me I’m “acting like AI irl,” I’m sure they’re on the right track. And just in time too; my brows are finally on fleek. 

Photo by dole777 on Unsplash



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