How A Little Bit Of Hope Can Go A Long Way

Life is filled with difficulties that may dull the light in your eye again and again but you have nothing to fear. That’s right; I said you have nothing to fear. As long as you are able to hold onto at least the tiniest bit of hope, you can make it through anything.

In the book, Tiger’s Quest, by Colleen Houck, learning to keep a hand on hope was the secret to conquering yourself with just that little bit of faith. In the book, she writes, “No matter what sort of difficulties you must endure and no matter how painful your experiences, you must not lose hope. Losing faith is the only thing that can truly destroy you. To conquer yourself and your weaknesses are a greater triumph than to conquer thousands in a battle.”

That hefty quote damn near says it all but there’s so much more to faith than that. For instance, one of the greatest things you can do for yourself, in general, is getting over yourself. When I say that I mean, seriously just get over your own day-to-day excuses. Go see a movie by yourself, pick up the trash in that random parking spot whether it’s yours or not, and be sure to compliment others whether they’d have a compliment to you or not (let’s be real sweatpants and a dirty t-shirt might not be that flattering, but that’s okay!).

We always fear many of our desires because they aren’t something that we are used to.

We have to learn to heal ourselves from our own faults which allow us to fall into the trap of what is safe and what is known. We always fear many of our desires because they aren’t something that we are used to. As humans, we get caught up in sticking to the status quo because it is just easier to keep doing what we already know how to do. This is how we make excuses for ourselves, but we need to learn to break away from the shells we surrounded ourselves with and learn how to experience our lives to the very fullest. To do this, we have to have faith in ourselves that we can accomplish anything, and we have to have hope that we will conquer our dreams.

Keeping your hope and faith is important for taking on life’s obstacles. Every day we have the chance of being burdened by something that can negatively impact our lives, but it is up to us whether or not we let it consume us. Staying hopeful is the one thing has allowed me to push through many of these hardships. For example, I try to tell myself that “this too shall pass” in order to let myself know that there is a better future and a light at the end of the dark tunnel that I am currently traveling in.

Without faith, we don’t have the ability to push ourselves, and without hope, we don’t have the trust we need to know that everything will work out for the best. I am a strong believer in the idea that our lives have a plan for us, so we need to learn to just sit back and try to ride through the hard times, and coast through the best times. That way, we will experience our lives in a way that suits us, we will learn about what we like and dislike, and we will find out who we are and what makes us different from other people in this world. By having our hope and faith, we can reach our highest potential and learn to become the person we truly desire to be.

Collaboration with Cassandra Vella

Featured image Olia Nayda on Unsplash


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