13 Urban Outfitters Replicas You Can Buy For Less

Over the years, I’ve accumulated numerous Urban Outfitters’ items. Stylistically, I’m very happy about this, but financially, I am...

How Women Are Losing Confidence One Mannequin At A Time

The other day when I went shopping with my sister, I saw this super cute skirt on a mannequin....

6 Ways To Rock Black Lipstick Better Than Kylie Jenner

The black lipstick trend hit us last fall, and it doesn't show any signs of stopping. It's been incorporated...

Guys Reveal Their True Thoughts On Granny Panties Versus Thongs

With feminism being an emerging topic right now, anything women do is in the spotlight. Recently, there has been...

From Crop Tops To Blouses: 5 Fashion Stages Every Woman Goes Through

You open up a year book and look back at your outdated style and think to yourself, “damn what...

Pop Some Tags: 3 Things To Know Before Thrift Shopping

You've reached rock bottom. Even Forever 21's and H&M's reasonable pricing isn't cheap enough for you anymore, and you...

5 Ways to Dress Comfy and Sweat-Free This Summer

Not everyone likes to go all out and wear the bare minimum for 3 months. Being a winter baby,...

Sweatpants, Hair Tied: Why You Shouldn’t Dress to Impress

A lot of relationships today start of from physical attraction. Let's say a guy likes what you are wearing...

Young, Wild and Free: To Bra, or Not to Bra?

Every girl in the bra-wearing Western world can attest to the fact that the best part of any day...

8 Secret Shopping Sites Perfect For Spring

Put away the keys, take out your credit card, and throw your slippers back on! While shopping at the mall...

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