6 Piercings You Should Consider Getting Done

Who doesn’t want to stay ahead of the latest trends? This summer, body jewelry is one of the hottest...

The 5 Best Lipsticks For Winter

Fall and winter are very similar seasons for many reasons; the cold weather, the incredible fashion and the comfort...

6 Things That You’re Doing Wrong In The Shower

We all have our shower routines. We get in, wash our hair, use body wash, exfoliate, and shave. Our...

The Sneaky Causes Behind Your Acne

When you have acne-prone skin, it’s not just the zits that can make you feel frustrated and embarrassed. There’s...

You Are More Than What The Mirror Gives You Credit For

I look at myself in the mirror and think, “What lies will you tell me today?" Will you tell me...

5 Hair Hacks That Will Get You Those Pinterest Perfect Waves

Reinventing our hair is one of two experiences: It’s either the perfect change we were looking for or it’s...

Here’s What You Need To Know About Perfume Before Buying Your Next Fragrance

If you’re like me, then you probably find perfume shopping daunting. I never know what to pick, so I...

5 Skincare Tips That’ll Immediately Boost Your Skin & Confidence

Your skin is the largest organ of your body. Since the world sees your face first, keeping your facial skin...

This Is How Dying My Hair Helped Me Practice Self-Care

I recently went through a period in my life in which I felt lost and out-of-control. So in an...

I Tried The SDxJS Makeup Collection, And Here’s What You Need To Know

Whether you've been watching the Beautiful Life of Jeffree Star series, have been following Shane Dawson since his Hannah...

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