10 OPI Nail Colors You Need To Try This Summer

Get ready for a world of vibrant, transformative colors at your fingertips! This summer, we're bringing you the hottest...
wedding day beauty

The Best Beauty Treatments To Help You Get Wedding Ready

Your wedding day is a chance to feel like the most radiant version of yourself. While the dress and...
Woman Using Perfume

Tips for Matching Your Perfume To Your Makeup

Creating a cohesive beauty ensemble extends beyond the visible spectrum of fashion and makeup; it encompasses the aromatic allure...

Sorry, Not Sorry: The Confessions Of A Girly Girl

I have a confession to make. I’m a girly girl.  Wait, that’s the title!  Let’s try this. Hi, I’m Laura, and...
Woman Having Microneedling Procedure

Microneedling 101: How It Works & How It Benefits Your Skin

Are you tired of constantly searching for the perfect skincare treatment that can address all your concerns? Well, look...

5 Ways To Avoid Overspending On Skincare Products

Buying skincare products can provide a beautiful means of self-care and retail therapy. However, given the influx of new...
Woman Applying Skincare Products

What Ingredients Should You Look For In Your Skincare Products

With so many skincare products on the market promising every benefit under the sun, it can be overwhelming trying...
float spa

Why You Should Try A ‘Float Spa’ On Your Next Self-Care Day

The past few months were incredibly overwhelming, and a whirlwind of responsibilities left me little time to breathe. Balancing...
Beauty Standards

How Beauty Standards Have Changed From Ancient Practices To Modern Times

The quest for beauty is as old as civilization itself, weaving through the annals of history from the ancient...

What Is Visual Weight, And Why Is It Important?

If you’ve spent time on TikTok, you’ve probably seen the Bold Glamor filter. I initially found this filter fun,...

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