8 Thoughts Every Writer Has When Working On Their First Novel

I think a lot of writers have that one unfinished manuscript that they keep working away on every once...

Here’s How These Childhood Warnings Became Adult Truths

When we are kids we don’t always think everything our parents are saying makes sense or is true. Maybe...

The Secret To Overcoming Setbacks Like A Champ

Published on personal website - thisblanklife.com One of the biggest reasons we don’t reach our goals is because of an...

Why You Should Appreciate Your Long Distance BFF

Finding that person that you can become completely yourself with is not an easy thing to do. There are...

What Ever Happened To Normal Baby Names?

For the past two weeks, we have been sitting on the edge of our seats waiting for the most...

6 Signs Of A Genuine Friendship

As we grow, we find that friendships come and go. Some people walk into our lives for a short...

Why Millennials Need To Learn To Appreciate Their Elders

Respect your elders. It’s a phrase you probably heard a lot growing up, but what does it truly mean?...

Why Prepping For Tomorrow Can Help Change Your Life

I’m an analyst, a reflector - I like to evaluate my life, my progress, my personal feelings of success....

Why I’m Not Ashamed To Choose Writing Over Everything Else

I spent a long time choosing to do something I thought I wanted because I wanted stability. Everyone around...

7 Reasons Cleaning Isn’t As Bad As You Think

Ever glance at that ongoing list you started and think to yourself that it can wait for later? No...

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