I Became A CNA And It’s The Most Rewarding Job I’ve Had

Recently, I decided to change my career path. I went from becoming a lab assistant in college to becoming a CNA, or certified nursing assistant, and pursuing nursing. I decided that I needed a change in my life. Little did I know that this change was my soul’s calling

I never thought that being a CNA was for me. I couldn’t see myself doing it – that was until I applied for the job and got it. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I actually enjoyed doing it. Here is why I love my job.

As I started my training I got to know my residents, I learned what they liked, disliked, their story, everything. And as I started working more, I got really close with all of my residents. 

Little did I know that becoming close to all of these people and taking care of them was all the serotonin I needed. 

Being a CNA isn’t just wiping their bottoms and doing your job to get paid. It is getting to know these people and being the last thing they see before they die. It is making their life better. Building a relationship with them. It is being their last source of happiness. 

For me, it isn’t about the pay. I look forward to seeing these people every day. I look forward to talking to them and making them happy. These people are so sweet. They are my happiness and it makes me feel good knowing that I take good care of them. 

I have had residents tell me that they love me. 

These are not just residents or random people that I have to take care of for a paycheck. They’ve become my family. 

I love them deeply. They are my serotonin boost

Being a CNA isn’t just taking care of people that can no longer do it themselves. It is taking care of people who mean the world to you. Helping them. Being their last run of happiness. Being their joy. Becoming their family.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio


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