4 Things All Women Should Know About Erectile Dysfunction

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that erectile dysfunction (ED) affects both partners in a relationship. After all, any condition that impacts your partner’s sexual and mental health is bound to affect you too.

However, it doesn’t help that many women blame themselves for their partner’s ED because they don’t understand it. They may feel hurt, anxious, or angry that their partner’s condition is changing their sex life. 

Here are four things that every woman should know about erectile dysfunction:

1. Erectile dysfunction is relatively common.

You may worry when your partner can’t seem to hold an erection, but ED isn’t unusual at all.  Although it’s impossible to know exactly how many men live with ED, it affects roughly one in 10 men.  When a man is sexually aroused, the brain sends signals to increase the flow of blood to the penis, which causes it to get bigger and harden (an erection). 

When the brain is unable to send these signals or blood can’t flow to the penis, men may have difficulty getting or staying erect and may also have reduced sexual desire.

These problems may upset you and your partner, and just because they’re common doesn’t make them any easier to deal with. That’s why it’s so important to have a discussion with your partner if they have ED. Talking openly about sex is healthy for your relationship — especially when your partner’s condition affects your sex life.

2. Erectile dysfunction has many causes.

Many women may worry that their partner’s lack of interest in sex is their fault or fear that they can no longer turn their partner on.f However, it’s important to remember that your fears are not reality.

Erectile dysfunction can be either physical or psychological in cause or can be a combination of both. 

A variety of physical health conditions can cause ED.High blood pressure (hypertension) and high cholesterol can cause ED. Diabetes, hormone imbalances,injury, or complications after surgery can contribute to ED as well. Medication such as beta-blockers can also cause erectile dysfunction.

Psychological problems that can cause erectile dysfunction include stress, fatigue, depression, and anxiety. 

Your partner might have one of these conditions, which would make it easier for you to understand why they live with ED. However, if they don’t realize that they have an underlying health issue, or they are struggling with their mental health, encourage them to see a professional to see if there’s a connection. 

3. “Trying harder” won’t cure erectile dysfunction.

If you’re the partner of someone struggling with ED, you may feel like you need to spice up your sex life to cure your partner. You may feel like roleplay, dressing up, or experimenting will magically turn your partner on, but that isn’t the case. 

Remember that erectile dysfunction isn’t an inability to feel aroused — it has deeper underlying issues. So“trying harder” in the bedroom will just pile on additional pressure when you feel like your efforts are going to waste. Instead of inadvertently making your partner feel like he isn’t good enough, try to understand how he feels. 

4. You can treat erectile dysfunction.

Luckily, there are various different treatments to help with erectile dysfunction — many of which are highly effective and readily available.

For example, if a physical issue is causing the ED, doctors may prescribe oral tablets, like Viagra or Tadalafil. Both of these options are safe and effective. And according to this guide from The Independent Pharmacy, Tadalafil’s side effects are extremely rare. You can also take advantage of generic Viagra services to receive these game-changing medications even faster.

For ED caused by issues like If obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or excessive drinking is causing the ED, doctors will probably suggest lifestyle changes, like losing weight, regular exercise, or quitting smoking.

If your partner’s ED has an underlying psychological cause, then treatment may include lifestyle changes, therapy, or medication. In some cases, doctors may even suggest sex therapy, sexual help devices, or surgery. In any case, though, there are plenty of ways to treat ED.

Erectile dysfunction can be confusing and distressing — not only to the men experiencing it but to their partners, too. If your partner has ED, educate yourself about the condition, ask how you can support them, and stay by their side as they seek help. 

When you know about ED, you can tackle the problem alongside your partner and keep your relationship happy and healthy.

Feature Image via Pexels


  1. It’s interesting to know that ED can be related to high blood pressure. My husband has been having such problems lately so I think it would be best to get ED health treatment soon since we have been musing about having a baby soon. To supplement the treatment, he will surely need to also lessen the cholesterol in his diet.


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