5 Things You Need To Remember During Shark Week

As told by a shark lover.

To ocean-enthusiasts and shark-lovers around the nation, Shark Week is the ultimate television event. The Discovery Channel makes it a point to educate viewers on the truth about sharks, breaking common misconceptions about the majestic sea creatures, and showing us that they’re not so bad after all. Let’s face it – Shark Week gets people excited… a little too excited.

Here are five things that we need to keep in mind while watching these beautiful fish in action on our favorite shark-content provider:

  1. They Do Not Belong In Captivity.
    I know what you’re thinking: “Here we go, another animal right’s activist getting up on their high-horse to tell us that yet ANOTHER animal shouldn’t belong in a zoo or an aquarium.” Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying. Sharks become hostile in captivity and are often not given enough room to live. Sharks are not meant to live in tiny tanks and feed on a time-based schedule. They are wild fish, and if removed from their home, they can cause an off-balance in their designated ecosystem. It may be hard to believe, but these beautiful creatures do not live to entertain us between a thick piece of glass.
  2. Marine Biologists Know What They Are Doing.
    Out of context, one may not understand that anyone who is being televised on Shark Week is in fact, an expert. Whether they are shark or ocean experts, they know exactly what they are doing. They have months to prepare for these journeys, mapping out every step they take and understanding how their technology works. The Discovery Channel is not paying randoms to go out on a boat and touch a shark. In other words: don’t try this at home.
  3. Sharks Do Not Deserve To Be Killed As Often As They Do.
    As sharks are an important part of our ecosystem, they shouldn’t be killed at all. The fact remains that sharks only kill 12 humans a year, while humans kill 11,417 sharks per hour. Sharks are constantly killed for finning, a process where people capture sharks, remove their fins, and release their dead carcasses back into the water. There really is no reason for it, and the Discovery Channel understands this.
  4. They Don’t Mean To Hunt Humans.
    Sharks’ eyes are on the side of their head. Imagine if your eyes were on the side of your head. You wouldn’t be able to see straight on, and get shapes confused with one another. This is what happens with sharks. When they attack, it’s because they’re confusing you with their usual prey like other fish and seals. They especially confuse humans with seals when they see the underneath of a surfboard. Humans are not their usual prey, but unfortunately, their confusion causes harm.
  5. They Are The Best Living Creatures.
    Whether you like sharks or not, you cannot deny that these creatures are undeniably fascinating. Despite their bad reputation, they are kind animals. They do not belong in tanks or man-made pools but should be free to be wild in the ocean. Sharks are extraordinary.

Sharks have survived 400 million years but they could go extinct within the next 40 years if humans do not stop the senseless killing of sharks. As you enjoy the next week glued to your television screen being fascinated by these creatures, please remember that they do not solely exist to entertain you but are an integral part of our ecosystem. Tune into Shark Week from today until July 3rd on the Discovery Channel to watch these beautiful beasts in action!

Featured Image Via Discovery Channel


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