From Britney Spears to Amanda Bynes: Why We Need To Stop Laughing And Realize Mental Illness

On November 10, Amanda Bynes tweeted out to her nearly 3.6 million followers, “It’s against my religion to follow...

Kicking Starbucks to the Curb: The Fight Against GMOs Continues

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you that Starbucks should officially be off the menu for anyone...

Why Ladies Need to Stop Avoiding the “Men’s Area” at the Gym

There is nothing more irritating than hearing people refer to the free-weights section in the gym as the “men’s...

Healthy Pumpkin Spice Latte Alternatives That Taste Amazing

Yes, by now everyone knows Starbucks has released its seasonal Pumpkin Spice Latte (PSL) a little early this year. ...

Why Fitspiration Is Here to Help, Not Hurt

Recently Fitspiration accounts on Instagram and Twitter have received quite a bit of abuse from viewers, especially women. Ladies...

Eliminating the Mental Health Stigma: How You Can Be A Mental Health Advocate

In the wake of Robin Williams' heartbreaking death on Monday, August 11, the world has been buzzing with discussions...

How to Keep on Munching Without Gaining Weight

If you’re in college, chances are you have had an encounter with the munchies. Of course, there are all sorts...

Why Social Media Should Take the Back Seat When It Comes to Health

In the pursuit of thinness, there always seems to be some new fad or weight loss movement that young...

Questioning Crossfit Culture: Why the Paleo Diet is Sexist

We spoke not too long ago about those annoying Crossfit ‘manimals’ you often see at the gym. But believe...

4 ‘Guilt Free’ Summer Cocktails

There’s one word on everyone’s mind this summer: PARTY! I don’t know about you, but considering the ridiculous polar...

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