Don’t Be An Asshole To New Year’s Gym Resolutioners

I’ve been going to the gym for years now. And for us, regulars, the first few months of the...

7 Mental Health Resources You Can Turn To If You’re Struggling During The Pandemic

The recent unprecedented circumstances around the coronavirus pandemic are causing a great deal of stress, anxiety, and fear for people...

Your Breath Stinks And This Might Be Why

Does your partner reject your open mouth kisses? Do people lean away when you come close to them? If...

How To Survive A Gluten-Free Transition

Roughly three years ago, I learned that I am intolerant to gluten. This in itself was unfortunate enough, however,...

5 Running Races You Need To Add To Your Bucket List

Trying to convince yourself to go running and keep fit isn’t always easy. Sometimes the first week or so...

4 Things You Need To Do To Invest In Your Health

Your body is an incredible organism with the potential to heal itself and achieve amazing feats. Investing in your...

Why You Shouldn’t Measure Your Fitness Progress Through A Scale

People often become frustrated when they don’t see the numbers drop every time they step on a bathroom scale...

How Listening To Linkin Park Helped Me Cope With Depression

Like many people, I have always been into all types of music. My favorites include country, pop, and rock,...

The Dark Side Of Your Perfectionism Revealed

Perfectionism is a term that holds both positive and negative connotations. It’s a trait that many will humbly turn...

What You Should Never Say To Someone Struggling With Mental Illness

Throughout my healing journey from mental illness, I realized there are two kinds of people: People who will deny...

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