The Reality Of Doing Cosplay As A Woman

Life is about experiences. We try things, we learn lessons, we check off items on our bucket list. Without...

Why Being A 20 Something Isn’t As Simple As It Once Was

My life is in a constant state of fluctuation. One day I’m a student, the next an employee, and...

8 Ways To Celebrate National Night Out Day

Are you looking for a fun way to enjoy the summer nights? Well, you’re in luck! Today, August 1,...

Healing From Abuse Has No Time Frame — It’s A Journey

When I was 17, I was raped for the first time. My abuser would continually rape me for eight...

Are You Lost in Your Twenties? Join the Club

I read somewhere that “finding yourself as an adult” means returning to the things you loved as a child....

5 Tips To Help You Smash Your Goals This Year

Resolutions are notoriously difficult to stick to. Can anyone honestly say they have never broken a New Year’s resolution?...

19 New Habits You Should Consider Starting In The New Year

Another year has blasted by in the blink of an eye, leaving us wondering where 2018 disappeared to. Every...

5 Things To Consider Before Adopting a Pet During COVID-19

COVID-19 has taken a toll on our everyday lives, but fostering or adopting a pet during the pandemic can...

How to Thrive and Make The Most Of Your Life in 2019

2018 felt like the hardest and longest year ever. It feels hard to bounce back. Some people had lost their...

How Writing Helped Me Get Over My Self-Doubt

Recently, for the first time since I’ve become a published writer almost a year ago, I had my very...

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