What You Wish Your High School Self Would Have Known

You’re fifteen years old. Oh, honey just wait till you meet him! You know, the one that’ll sweep you...

This Is What It’s Like To Watch People Give Up On You

Imagine letting people into your life. Letting your guard down. Letting yourself become vulnerable. Imagine spending so much time with...

Why Letting Go Of Hate Is The Best Feeling In The World

Hatred can be a very scary word when you let it control your life. It leads to changes in...

This Study Reveals Why You Really Hate Going To Work

So you read the title and clicked the link because as long as anything is proven by research, it’s...

4 Ways Being Open-Minded Will Make You Happier

Sometimes life is messy and you never really understand why certain things happen. You don't know what will happen...

8 Types Of Friendships You’ll Have Throughout Your Life

During our lifetime, we will come across a number of different people. Some of these people will stay by...

6 Creative Uses For Your Old Valentine’s Day Roses

Everyone likes flowers so it makes sense that people give them to their significant others every single Valentine’s Day....

Why Your Friends Shouldn’t All Be The Same Age

Growing up, many of us have found our friend groups through school, college or the numerous extracurricular activities that...

How Many People Are You Friends With Because It’s Convenient?

I’ve never had trouble making friends; in fact, it’s something I’m rather good at. I’m a rather friendly person...

The People Who Will Heal Your Wounds When Time Won’t

After someone you love walks away from you, all you really have to rely on is time. With time,...

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