The Lost Charm Of Snail Mail: The Importance Of Physical Letters

I’ve been getting back to writing letters to my pen pals this year, and it’s been so much more fun than I remembered. Honestly, receiving mail is fun in itself. Sending real snail mail letters to your friends can offer several unique advantages that digital communication often lacks. Here are some reasons why you might consider sending physical letters or cards to your friends:

1. Personal Touch

Real mail adds a personal and tangible touch to your communication. Handwritten letters, in particular, show effort and thoughtfulness, making the recipient feel special.

2. Tactile Experience

Holding a physical letter or card can create a sensory experience lacking in digital communication. The paper’s feel, the handwriting’s texture, and even the scent of the paper can contribute to a richer connection.

3. Emotional Impact

A physical letter or card can evoke a stronger emotional response than a digital message. Knowing that someone took the time to write, select, or create a card and send it through traditional mail can make the communication more meaningful.

4. Memorability

Physical letters can be kept as keepsakes. People often hold onto letters and cards, creating a lasting reminder of the connection and the sentiments shared.

5. Escape from Digital Overload

In a world dominated by digital communication, receiving a real letter can be a welcome break. It offers a chance to escape screens and enjoy a more deliberate and unhurried form of communication.

6. Surprise and Delight

Getting something in the mail unexpectedly can be a delightful experience. It adds an element of surprise and can brighten someone’s day in a way that an email or text may not.

7. Connection Building

Sending physical mail reinforces the idea of effort and investment in a relationship. It shows that you are willing to go the extra mile, which can strengthen the bond between friends.

8. Creativity

Sending physical mail allows you to be creative with your communication. You can add personal touches like drawings, stickers, or other embellishments that may not be as easily incorporated into digital messages.

9. Nostalgia

Writing and receiving letters can evoke a sense of nostalgia, reminding people of a time when written correspondence was the primary means of communication.

10. Communication Variety

Mixing different forms of communication, including real mail, can add variety to your interactions and make your relationship more dynamic.

While digital communication is convenient and efficient, sending real mail offers a unique and thoughtful way to connect with friends, fostering a deeper and more memorable relationship. It’s fun to send little gifts and notes to your friends. Or even a better way to connect with your family with seasonal cards and reminders.

Featured image via Paico Oficial on Unsplash


  1. Love the article about writing letters and cards..
    Wish Inever stopped..
    Everything you just how I feel..
    It is a LOST ‘art’ that is so important..tothe sender..andsomuch more to the person that receives it.


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