6 Ways To Make Your Bedroom Office Both Fun & Functional


Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people have started working from home than ever before. However, it’s challenging to create a productive workspace away from the distractions in your home. Some people who don’t have much space in their homes resort to using their bedroom as their office, even though that’s not a great place to work.

When you work and sleep in the same room, separation. Here are six ways to improve your focus in your bedroom home office and still relax in that space too. 

1. Move the furniture.

One of the best ways to create a space that can allow you to work and rest is to rearrange the furniture. The goal here is to create individual areas that face different directions but still flow naturally into each other. 

For example, you can use a bookshelf to divide your room into separate areas. The best furniture arrangement depends on the shape and size of your room, so move it all around until you feel comfortable. 

When you create this division, you also create the illusion of having two separate rooms. One side is your bedroom while the other is your office. Just be sure to treat each side of the room differently — don’t flop onto your bed when you need to hunker down for work.

2. Layer your lighting.

Spatial separation is mental as well as physical, so you can also use lighting to direct your attention to different sections of your space. Creating layers of lighting with lamps and candles lets you quickly adjust the mood of your home for either work or rest time. 

Soft, warm lighting, like what you would get from a candle, will give off a cozy vibe that’s perfect for relaxation. On the other hand, overhead lighting and bright, natural light will keep you alert during the workday. 

3. Use a rug to section your space.

Rugs are a great way to define different spaces in your home. They anchor groups of furniture and can create “mini-rooms” within a single room. Try to move the front of your furnishings so that they overlap with the edge of the rug. 

Rugs also add texture and color to your space. Use a rug in your favorite color or pattern or with a comfy texture to add a feeling of luxury and coziness to your bedroom.

4. Incorporate storage spaces.

Storage space is another effective way to create separation between your office and your rest area. After all, working in a room full of unfolded laundry can be distracting and resting at night can be difficult if you have work documents lying around.

Storage containers, like cabinets or totes, can help you stow away your work supplies at the end of the day. The act of cleaning up will help signal to your brain that the workday is done and it’s time to rest. 

5. Engage your body. 

Bedroom offices often can feel cramped after you’ve sat down for hours on end. A good way to combat the pressures of working in a small space is to find ways to physically engage your body. 

Invest in a standing desk so that you can stretch your legs when you start feeling restless. Engage your core and improve your balance with a balance board. For even more movement, you can even add a compact treadmill to your bedroom office. Standing up and walking can help circulate your blood flow throughout the day, which can allow for higher productivity and focus during work hours. 

6. Make your room feel larger.

Bedrooms can be dark and stifling, which can make your office space feel painfully tiny. Add plants to your workspace to make the room feel bigger. 

To add dimension to your room, put larger, taller plants next to your desk and smaller plants on top of it. Be sure to keep your plants near a window so that they get plenty of sunlight, and water them only when it’s necessary. This will open up the space and create an inviting environment. 

If taking care of a living thing stresses you out, don’t worry. Fake plants will create the same aesthetic but with less maintenance. 

Use these six tips to make working from home in your bedroom both restful and productive. The right bedroom design can enhance even the smallest spaces and allow you to better separate work from rest.

Featured Photo by Hutomo Abrianto on Unsplash.


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