These feminist podcasts are taking down the patriarchy, one issue at a time.
The current political climate is dangerous for women.
We’ve known that the situation has been sticky for a while, but it’s getting hard to ignore the rising tension with women’s rights.
Considering that men are predominantly in charge of our reproductive rights and sexism is as rampant as ever, we need to know how to be effective feminists so that we can call out discrimination when we see it.
It’s time for us to listen up so we can rise up and demand the equality we deserve.
With so much information out there, though, it’s hard to know where to start. Luckily for you, I’m a podcast fiend and have a 11 great podcast recommendations that will help you become an empowered (and educated) feminist:
1.The Guilty Feminist
This feminist podcast is as informative as it is hilarious. Deborah Francis-White is as relatable as they come. She hosts the show with a candor that will immediately validate all of your political woes. Whether you’re just starting out in the world of feminism or you’re a veteran, this podcast is a friendly reminder that nobody’s feminist politics are perfect… and that’s OK. Listen to it here.
2. Guys We F*cked
Guys We F*cked is the ultimate podcast for all things sex-positive.
Corinne Fisher and Krystyna Hutchinson, who self-produce the show, have free reign to break down sexual taboos and interview successful people from the sex work industry. The comedy duo are avid believers in breaking down the stigmas we associate with sexuality and makes sex positivity easy to consume. Join these ladies in their fight against slut-shaming and have a laugh, too.
Listen to it here.
3. 2 Dope Queens
If your feminism isn’t intersectional, you need to listen to this podcast.
Women of color face very different problems than White women, and it’s important for us all to understand and respect their perspectives. Phoebe Robinson’s and Jessica Williams’ on-air chemistry makes intersectional feminism super easy to listen to and learn about. You’ll learn about everything from romance to race, and the podcast even features appearances from leaders like Michelle Obama.
Listen to it here.
4. Stuff Mum Never Told You
Listening to Stuff Mum Never Told You is like having a glass of wine with your mom on a Sunday afternoon. Anney Reese and Samantha McVey are the older, wiser sisters you never had. These two ladies combine research with feminist theory and apply it to everyday life. If you are looking for some insight into the way sexism impacts our everyday lives, this is definitely the podcast for you.
Listen to it here.
5. The Bechdel Cast
The Bechdel Cast, named for the infamous Bechdel Test (which proves that women’s roles in media are limited to hopeless romantics), discusses the representation of women in media. It also provides valuable insight into how poorly the film industry treats female characters, so the podcast is well worth a listen.
Listen to it here.
6. Shameless
This is the podcast for smart women who like dumb stuff.
There is no shame in being a feminist who enjoys reality TV. Join Zara Mcdonald and Michelle Andrews as they debunk pop culture and critique the way that the media portrays women. Shameless is the feminist pop culture podcast. It’s fun and fabulous, and it teaches you lots along the way.
Listen to it here.
7. .femm
Intersectional feminism is the only viable approach to feminism, which is the message behind .femm.
Hosted by two transgender women, .femm is a self-professed “feminist cyberqueer nerd palooza.” Its quirky vibe and strong message make it essential listening to get up to speed on how feminist issues face the LGBTQI+ community.
Listen to it here.
8. Call Your Girlfriend
Call Your Girlfriend is perfect for long-distance besties. The hosts discuss everything from the importance of “girl power” to why intersectional feminism is crucial. This podcast literally feels like a call with your best friend. You’ll learn about menstruation, politics, and women’s rights from two fiercely opinionated besties. Call Your Girlfriend will definitely light a fire in your feminist belly.
Listen to it here.
9. Popaganda
When women are opinionated, we often refer to them as “bitches,” but Carman Rios is taking back the “b-word” and making it, well, her bitch. This feminist podcast normalizes strong, vocal womanhood. It’s empowering, educational, and enriching.
Listen to it here.
10. Girlboss
Get down to business with Girlboss. Each episode sees Sophia Amoruso pick the brain of a trailblazing, entrepreneurial Wonder Woman. This podcast is great if you’re starting out in business because it allows you to cultivate important skills and learn how to break through the glass ceiling. CEOs can be women, too, and this is your how-to guide to get on that “boss level!”
Listen to it here.
11. She’s All Fat
She’s All Fat is the ultimate body positivity platform.
Sophia Carter and April K. Quioh recognized the lack of safe spaces for people of all body types to tell their stories. Therefore, they provided a podcast to amplify the voices of the “fatmily.”’ This intersectional podcast is the uplifting, empowering feminism we need. It’s “women helping women” at its finest. Women who have learned to love their bodies will teach you how to love yours. Ladies, it’s about time that we love ourselves.
Listen to it here.
These podcasts are perfect for both newbie feminists and lifelong activists alike. So grab your headphones and take a listen – you won’t regret it!
Originally written by Emily Jol on SHESAID.
Featured Photo via nlorrainexx.