Your SO May Disappoint You, But #ILoveWhenYou On Twitter Won’t

Twitter is probably one of my favorite social media platforms. In one foul swoop you can witness a Twitter feud, catch up on the news, or sit on the sidelines as someone goes on a 20 tweet rant. So, with Valentine’s Day in full swing, it comes as no surprise that the hashtag #ILoveWhenYou has been trending on Twitter.

Of course, there were your classic lovey-dovey moments:

When they are your biggest cheerleader

When they remember the little things 

When they become your other half

When they pay attention to you

When they bring you food

And then sh*t got real and people started sharing the not-so-nice parts of their relationships:

Like when they’re never on time

Like when they won’t admit that they were wrong

Like when they don’t realize that love is a two-way street

Like when they won’t pay attention to you

Like when they care more about being famous than you

Like when they do the lying thing

Like when they break your heart

Like when you wish bad things would happen to them

And of course, there will always be that one tweet that makes us laugh out loud and feel really sad all at the same time:

So, no matter what state your relationship is in, just know that there is someone out there who is feeling the same way as you. And if that doesn’t make you feel better, you can always try Ben & Jerry. I hear those are two pretty helpful fellows. 😉

Featured image via Pexels on Pixabay


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