6 Reasons You Should Date A Journalism Major

Us journalists know we’re not going to make as much money in the long run as our doctor or engineering friends. However, we’re passionate about what we do; our work would suffer if we weren’t. And according to Psychology Today, the average IQ of a journalist is in the 137 to 160 range. That translates into the top 1 percent to .01 percent, which is on the same intelligence level as lawyers, engineers, and computer science professors.

Basically, journalists are a real catch, and there are many things that we take out of our career that we can also take to a serious relationship. From being able to edit all your papers for you to never running out of things to talk about, journalists are no doubt the best people to date.

1. We’re the best listeners. 

 A good percentage of a journalist’s job is just listening to people. After all, the number one rule of interviewing is to not interrupt. Not only are we going to refrain from interrupting you mid-sentence, but we’re actively listening to what you have to say. If you date a journalist, you can talk about yourself all you want and we’re not going to complain much – we’re so used to it.

2. We come up with the best first-date questions. 

Awkward silences? Forget about them. Upon entering interviews, we’re always prepared with a list of questions to ask, but interviews always seem to take a turn in a direction that we aren’t prepared for. We’ve been through that scenario plenty of times, so we know how to be on our toes with new and interesting questions on the spot.

3. We are experts at time management.

We don’t mess around with deadlines, and our sources tend to take their sweet time getting back to us. When we’re assigned a story, we have to be on it immediately and we have to schedule our classes and extracurricular around that interview. You won’t see us so much that you get sick of us, (we’re always busy!) But we’ll never forget to schedule in time to spend with you.

4. We’re always up to date on the latest local events.

 Journalism is probably one of the least monotonous professions out there, so you aren’t going to get bored with us. Routine just isn’t our style. Not to mention, we get free press passes into a bunch of cool concerts, shows, etc. and you are more than welcome to be our plus-one!

5. We are honest. 

Making up sources or printing blatantly false facts would jeopardize our entire career. We’re horrible liars. It’s our job to report the truth. So no worries in the cheating department – we just wouldn’t be able to hide it from you.

6. We will always answer your calls within a 5-minute time span. 

No need for “read receipts” here. We are constantly connected to our phones or laptops, so if you text us asking where we are, you don’t have to worry about us not replying. (Although we may be slightly disappointed the call was from you and not the source we’ve been trying to get in touch with the past week – sorry!)

So next time you find yourself striking up a conversation with a journalism cutie, don’t let their future salary be the first thing that comes to mind. Rather, remember all the advantages to dating an honest, grammar-loving journalist. You won’t be disappointed!

Featured Image via Unsplash


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