How My Life Changed Once I Got A Service Dog

At the end of high school and into college, I struggled with depression and anxiety mixed with my other...

How To Survive New Year’s Resolutions If You Struggle With Body Image

I have a confession to make: I am not body positive. I try to be kind to myself. After years...

Why Finding The Right Doctor For You Is Crucial

Everyone heals differently. Everyone handles their mental health in different ways. Some people turn to the gym for stress...

5 Reasons Unhealthy Eating Habits Should Not Be Glamorized

Eating disorders are becoming more and more common in our society. They affect people of all ages, genders, and...

10 Ways To Cope With Seasonal Depression This Holiday Season

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right? For most people, the holiday season is a joyous time...

Jo Wilson Is The Mental Health Icon You Didn’t Know You Needed

For the longest time, I thought it was not OK to show any weakness. Especially, since I have depression....
city negative health

4 Ways Living In A Big City Negatively Affects Your Health

Science doesn’t just claim breathing fresh air benefits our heart and blood vessels and improves our sleep quality. Progressive...

5 Reasons Getting A Massage Is Good For Your Mental Health

Massage is a very effective way to destress, unwind, and relax after a long day. It’s also great for...

You Save A Life By Just Accepting Your LGBTQ+ Family Member

If you were to ask me how I came out as a member of LGBTQ+, I would tell you...

8 Things You Learn After You’re Diagnosed With A Chronic Condition As A Teenager

When I was first diagnosed with a chronic condition at age 13, I didn’t fully understand just how it...

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