5 Leather Jacket Styles You Will Absolutely Love

As the weather gets colder, leather jackets become a staple in many wardrobes. But where can you find the...

5 Shoes That Will Make You Want To Shop Right Now

If you’re anything like me, you’ve got bins full of shoes and only wear about three pairs religiously. That...

The One-Piece Swimsuit Guide You Need For Summer 2019

Summer is right around the corner which means food, fun, enjoying the outdoors, and, of course, spending some time...

Why Girls SHOULD Wear High-Waisted Shorts

We girls like to think we embody a few qualities that classify us as…well…girls. Those qualities being confident, smart...

This Store Has The BEST Jeans For Curvy Women

Shopping can be extremely satisfying if you find the product you were looking for or discover an unexpected find,...

The Underlying Problem With Vera Bradley’s Harry Potter Collection

It is difficult to believe that Hogwarts never existed until 30 years ago. The imaginary witchcraft academy located in...

Fashion Trends From The Early 2000s That Are Making A Comeback

The 2000’s: the coming-of-age time that every Millennial worth their salt will remember fondly. Compared to today’s social-media obsessed...

10 Underrated Places To Buy Cute And Affordable Workout Clothes

Whether you actually work out or want some comfy digs to lounge in, having that perfect pair of yoga...

7 Stores That Sell Cute Bathing Suits You Can Actually Afford

It’s that time of year again. It’s getting warmer every day and we are all pretending to love it....

4 Celebs Who Are The Faces Of The Biggest Watch Companies

Let's be honest, it is really no secret that luxury watch manufacturers often turn to celebrities and other people...

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