A Reminder To Students During Midterm Season

I can’t believe that one month of school already flew by, and the second month of the first semester is now ending. For those in university, we’re now at the halfway mark of the semester, which means, you guessed it – midterm season. 

Midterm season can be frightening at first: you have so many exams to study for, which professors always schedule back-to-back. Therefore, you may find yourself cramming for information. You may try to review your notes on the day of the midterm just to maximize your grade. 

Moreover, you also realize that these tests are worth a significant portion of your academic grade. An undesirable score can often carry heavy weight and affect your performance on other assignments. 

But despite what they say, don’t be afraid to take care of yourself during midterm season. 

Sure, exams can be stressful. And even if you have more than two exams back-to-back, take a deep breath and feel free to relax. You’re not a machine, and you can’t study all the time. 

When you have so much to study for, staying up late at night, don’t pressure yourself. Throw away those energy drinks, cut off that cup of coffee, and schedule some time for naps and breaks instead. 

“But everyone says that they do all-nighters throughout the season!” You say. 

Even if many students say they would stay up all night to study, it doesn’t mean you should. In fact, study whenever you feel comfortable. If it is in the morning, feel free to book some time before noon. But if you have other obligations and need to study in the evening, feel free to give yourself breaks, award yourself with treats, and remember not to push yourself. 

And when studying, remember to review concepts you’re unfamiliar with frequently. 

These concepts may seem scary at first because there’s so much to cover and know. But to understand them, keep reading the textbook, highlight your notes, and review your lecture slides. Once you do so, you’ll be able to understand the concepts more and apply them.

Although studying for five courses at once seems challenging, remember you can do it.

Keep on practicing, reviewing the notes, and reading the textbooks. Try your best to understand the course material as much as possible. And believe in yourself. 

When the professor returns your marks, don’t be scared if you didn’t do as well as expected. 

If you did amazing, congratulations – your hard work paid off. 

But if you didn’t do as well as you expected, realize there are more opportunities for you to redeem your mark. Professors may even adjust the grades sometimes if the average for the class is too low. So, don’t sweat – you’re not done with the course yet and have plenty of time to get a higher score.

So, to all those students writing midterms, you got this! Continue to study, attend your classes, and remember to take care of yourself. Good luck!

Featured image via Andrew Neel on Pexels



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