6 Reasons Why INFJs And ENFPs Love Each Other


They say that opposites attract. While that’s certainly true, it’s also true that you need to have enough similarities for compatibility. In the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) world, the INFJ and ENFP are two personality types that are perfect companions. Many INFJs find themselves drawn to ENFPs for the same reason that ENFPs are attracted to INFJs: their opposing traits endear them to one another. Here are six reasons why an INFJ’s best friend is often an ENFP:

1. INFJs love ENFPs’ extroversion.

ENFPs, like most extroverts, are incredibly energetic. While INFJs enjoy peace and quiet, they also like someone to take them out of their head every now and then, which ENFPs are perfect for. They encourage INFJs to take more risks and seek the world outside of them, making the INFJ grow as a person.

2. ENFPs love INFJs’ introversion.

While ENFPs are extroverts at heart, they tend to be more introverted than your average extrovert. Likewise, INFJs tend to be more extroverted than your average introvert. Since both personality types bend toward being ambiverts to varying degrees, they can relate to the growing or waning levels of extroversion that each type experiences. INFJs don’t have to worry about asking for space from ENFPs, or ENFPs asking them why they don’t want to go clubbing three nights in a row; ENFPs just get it, and that’s a huge relief to INFJs.

3. They’re both very intuitive.

INFJs and ENFPs tend to know things about people, thanks to their primary cognitive functions—INFJs favor the introverted intuition function, and ENFPs favor the extroverted intuition function. They latch onto concepts and ideas fairly quickly, noting patterns that others miss. And this is so second nature to them that they may struggle to explain how they made the connections. Thankfully, two intuitives get just “knowing” things and will love to meet someone who functions the same way.

4. They’re people-oriented.

INFJs are deeply empathetic, thanks to their secondary extroverted feeling function, which focuses on emotional connection. While ENFP’s introverted feeling function is more focused on inward feelings and internal values, both types understand emotions, and both functions are important for emotional intelligence and personal growth. For example, INFJs can learn from ENFPs how to care for themselves better. Likewise, ENFPs can learn from INFJs how to be more empathetic and in tune with the emotions outside of themselves and people in their inner circle.

5. They complement one another.

In addition to the abovementioned contrasts, one of the biggest differences between an INFJ and ENFP is their judging and perceiving preferences. INFJs appreciate and find comfort in order and plans, whereas ENFPs feel at home by going with the flow. It’s important to have structure and flexibility in life, which make INFJs and ENFPs ideal candidates to learn from one another how to appreciate each trait.

6. They’re inverted versions of each other.

INFJs and ENFPs are perfect complements, functioning as “inside-out” versions of one another. This is primarily due to their four main cognitive functions. For example, INFJs tend to spend time in their heads a lot and value harmony as a type that favors Introverted Intuition and Extroverted Feeling cognitive functions. On the other hand, ENFPs tend to spend more time outside with their people yet focus inwardly on their values and emotions as a type that favors Extroverted Intuition and Introverted Feeling functions. These inverted functions help INFJs and ENFPs bond with one another and learn to be better people from the other person’s strength, making them a perfect match.

No personality type is automatically a “perfect” match. Every person is unique, regardless if they share a personality type. However, like astrology and other personality-type models, some types tend to get along. So, if you’re an INFJ with an ENFP in your life (or vice versa), try getting to know them better. You may just find your soulmate, make a better friend, or find someone to challenge and encourage you to be better. And those are all great things to experience!

Feature image via Hannah Busing on Unsplash



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