How I Stopped Being Anxious About Posting Selfies On Social Media


Whenever I log onto my social media, I always see a swarm of selfies posted by my friends and family members. They post selfies of every perfect moment they experience to preserve the memories of those close to them. Social media is terrific for sharing those moments and looking back on them. However, it also allows people to post adverse reactions on the posts as well. For every positive post I see, there are either people expressing their disappointment over negative comments on their content or people creating negative posts about the original poster. It’s tragic how often people are willing to criticize others while we are all already critical of ourselves. 

I used to post my life on social media. The good times, the bad times, and anything that would help me create a “brand” on social media. Eventually, though, it became draining and negatively affected my mental health. Trying to create an “ideal” life to post about made it difficult to focus on the truly important things to me. Creating a “brand” for myself worsened my connections with people because I wasn’t genuine with myself or others. 

So, I stopped posting selfies.

I stopped posting my life on social media. Was it challenging to do? Not at all. It was the right decision for me. I knew this once I felt the weight of my anxiety leave my shoulders. There was nothing for anyone to criticize anymore. The posts I did put up became more genuine and smaller “life updates” versus sharing every waking moment with the world. I was able to make it through the day without being anxious about my next post. 

Not everyone is meant to be an influencer. Personally, it’s not something I want. Do I post the occasional selfie? Maybe once or twice a year. However, I mainly try to stick to posts about achievements and significant life events. I keep my updates straight to the point, which leaves very little for people to criticize. Occasionally, I will get a comment that doesn’t sit right with me, but it happens less than before. Posting more authentic photos has helped me focus on being true to myself and reduce my anxiety. Now, I strive to enjoy my life rather than stress about what I will post next. There is nothing wrong with sharing your life on social media; it just wasn’t for me. And maybe it’s not for you either.

Feature Image by Julia Volk from Pexels


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