11 Rare Signs You’re In Love With A Kindred Spirit

When it comes to knowing whether the person you are falling in love with is your kindred spirit, much of the solution comes down to being able to identify your perfect energetic match. That’s because, when we talk about people as kindred spirits, it’s all about energy.

And if you’re familiar with that feeling of mindfulness you get when you are so in tune with someone that, sometimes, you’re not quite sure where you stop and they begin, there’s a good chance you’ve found a kindred spirit already!

What’s the meaning of a kindred spirit?

Kindred spirits carry the magic of fireflies. They are like little lights that gravitate toward each other in life because they share harmonious energy. In the world of energy, like attracts like. This means the energetic fields of two kindred spirits recognize their harmony and exchange information easily.

Sometimes you meet someone, and it feels like there’s a wall between you. This happens with people who are not your kindred spirits.

On the other hand, sometimes you meet someone and feel the almost effortless flow of a strong undercurrent pulling you towards each other. This might be a kindred spirit. The likeness between you can be such that you feel like you’ve met another manifestation of yourself, but this can easily be confused (and shouldn’t be) with physical attraction, which also has a strong energetic pull.

The deep connection between true kindred spirits is weird … and wonderful!

Do kindred spirits fall in love?

Kindred spirits can fall in love, but it’s important to remember that relationships between kindred spirits aren’t always romantic. Kindred spirit connections can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes — they can even be your pets!

Ask any pet lover and they’ll tell you about that one special animal that came into their life in an incredible, unexpected way, and how they immediately made a heartfelt connection. These, too, are kindred spirits.

If you are one of the lucky ones who has found a kindred spirit in your romantic partner, hold on tight and don’t let go! This could be an incredibly satisfying lifelong romance.

Here are 11 signs you can look for to see if you the two of you are truly kindred spirits.

1. You finish each other’s sentences.

You seem to always be in sync.

2. There’s a natural flow to your relationship.

It just feels “easy” to be together.

3. You feel like you’ve known each other forever.

And in fact, you may have! Often, kindred spirits are souls we’ve known in other lifetimes.

4. You’re comfortable with silence between you.

It’s so easy to be together that neither of you feels the need to fill the empty space with words.

5. They feel “like” you.

As my daughter once said about a boyfriend of mine who I felt was a kindred spirit, “Mom, he’s like the male version of you!”

6. You share many of the same interests.

And you are each open to exploring the interests of the other because you know you’ll probably like something they like.

7. You can talk for hours.

And you do.

8. You just get each other.

There’s no need for lengthy explanations of your positions, your politics, your feelings, or your beliefs … you get the picture.

9. You experience life in the same way.

Everyone’s experience of life is subjective and related to their personal lessons and evolution, in addition to their personality and character traits. Kindred spirits tend to see life in the same way.

10. You share a similar sense of humor.

There are no painted on smiles or fake laughter in this pair. You sincerely like each other’s jokes!

11. You can let your freak flag fly when you’re together!

It’s OK. Don’t be shy. We’ve all got one. And a kindred spirit doesn’t just tolerate your weird side — they love it! And … you love theirs! What could be more perfect?

Originally published on YourTango

Featured image via Mark Decile on Unsplash


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