4 Top Beauty Brand Owners Share How They Made It In The Industry


The beauty industry has and will always remain a thriving market. Today, social media drives the public’s interest in all things beauty, from makeup, to hair care, to skincare. Needless to say, if you’re looking for the market with the greatest potential for success, then starting your own beauty brand is the way to go.

But there’s more to establishing a successful beauty business than simply riding the tides of the latest trends. Here’s what some of the biggest beauty brands’ owners claim helped them rise to the top of the beauty industry:

1. Stay patient, polished, and precise.

Because beauty brands tap into markets like skincare and health, governmental organizations sometimes allow these products to enter the market without due diligence. Arti Guar, the mastermind behind the beauty brand Quinta Essentia Organic, advises budding beauty brand owners to stay patient because they’re going to sign a lot of paperwork.

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2. Know your products’ ingredients.

Now more than ever, people are exceptionally leery of their beauty products’ ingredients. Any formulas that cause rashes or other negative skin reactions will crash and burn, so be careful. Subhika Jain, the founder of RAS Luxury Oils, advises aspiring beauty business owners to do their research.

Accurately documenting your ingredients is a crucial step in starting your own cosmetics brand. These documents will protect you in the future in case you end up with a brand audit or have any run-ins with disgruntled clients. In any case, hiring a top essay writing service to help you keep tabs on your formulas and documentation should help you stay organized.

3. Choose top talent.

Whether you hire a cashier for your brick-and-mortar or an Instagram manager for your brand’s social media, vet your potential employees carefully. Sensing which people will  best help your brand thrive is the cornerstone of a successful beauty venture. Even iconic celebrity makeup artist Romy Soleimani stands by the belief that you should learn to [select the best person for the job.]

That goes for any sort of employee you need to hire or service you need to outsource. So whether that means reading through hundreds of resumes for your beauty brand’s office assistant opening or scanning through top paper writing service reviews for your administrative tasks, you should be sure to take your time with your employment decisions and choose only the best.

4. Always assume a deficit.

Countless beauty brands have failed because their CEOs were too confident in the ventures. It might be tempting to splurge on more expensive business essentials. But stories of companies like Amalie Beauty teach us that even the smallest, humblest start-ups can skyrocket to success.

Megan Cox established Amalie Beauty when she was still a student, so she didn’t have substantial funding to hire employees to help with operations. Her solution? She enlisted her parents’ help, and they did what they could to support her budding brand. Almost overnight, her company skyrocketed to success.

Cutting back on initial expenses and running on the bare minimum can create a large gap between cash-out and income, which allows you more leg room during your venture’s most challenging phase. Take on all the work you can, ask for friends’ or family’s help, and stick to the essentials. Look for affordable online services and browse cost-effective UK essay writing service options for help with your admin tasks.

Breaking into the beauty industry can make you feel like an ugly duckling in a sea of gorgeous swans. But don’t let the competition water down your determination. Play your cards right, and you may have the opportunity to join the biggest names in one of today’s most expansive industries.

Featured Photo by Trent Szmolnik on Unsplash.

About the author: During the day, Sharon is a marketing specialist and essay writer in best dissertation writing service. But after she clocks out of her 9 to 5, her love for essay writing help takes the lead and she runs off to the web where she shares her know-how on anything and everything in marketing. The writing specialist currently works full-time as a professional marketer, where she weaves content strategies for brands looking to break into the big scene.


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