I Tried Fat-Freezing Therapy And Here’s What Happened

There are various ways to be healthy. however, there are still many people who struggle to lose or gain weight, or simply to stay in shape. As it is often said, the struggle is real. Personally, I also want to be in shape all the time. Apart from a healthy diet and an exercise routine, I want to preserve my body’s youth because for one, staying in shape boosts my confidence. Not very long ago, I was introduced to fat freezing… and once I started with it, I never looked back.

What exactly is fat freezing?

Our body naturally flushes out its dead cells, and this includes fat cells as well. But adipocytes, which are the cells that store fat to be used up as our body’s energy, are relatively tough to burn. Even a rigorous exercise routine doesn’t burn them all up. This brought about the fat freezing technology, or cryolipolysis. Cooling down the fat hastens the natural life cycle of the fat cells, causing them to die. Afterward, our body will naturally flush out these dead cells. Depending on your lifestyle, these cells will eventually replenish, but through exercise and a proper diet, you can turn them into muscles. And who wouldn’t like that?

During the fat freezing procedure, a gel pad is placed on the target area. There’s also a cooling head on top of the pad and a pulling force or suction around the area. Then, the machine will work its magic through cooling the area. The treatment usually lasts for a couple of hours, and they will massage the area afterward.

What is the overall process of fat freezing?

There are instances wherein you might experience some itchiness or soreness in the treated area. For instance, the skin on my lower abs and thighs was red after the treatment, but it went away on its own after a couple of hours. Moreover, the number of sessions also varies from one person to another.

Can fat freezing help you lose weight?

A direct answer to that question is yes… and no. Let me clarify this for you. I honestly tried fat freezing because no matter how much I watch what I eat, or no matter what type of exercise routine I’m doing, I cannot seem to lose the flab I have on my thighs and lower abdomen. I am within my ideal weight range, so my primary goal is to maintain my form, and losing weight is just icing on the cake. With that being said, fat freezing helped me lose the unwanted fat in my lower abdomen and thigh areas. If you are a little overweight, try a healthy diet plan and a customized exercise routine first. After that, you can opt to freeze your fat as a means of shaping your body. Fat freezing is not the primary technique for losing weight, but it adds to your weight loss regimen by sculpting your body.

Is fat freezing effective?

Another direct answer to that question is yes… because it worked for me. But let me post a disclaimer because as we all know, what works for one person may not work for another. My target area was relatively small, hence, it was easier to burn the fat cells in those areas. Nonetheless, there is no harm in trying new and innovative methods. For me, it only took a couple of months and most of my family and friends started to notice the results.

The most common areas that are treated with fat freezing are the lower back, upper arms, inner thighs, abdomen, love handles, and the chin. It is generally not recommended for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

Moreover, fat freezing is also safe and convenient. It can be performed on anyone, young or old. But like most procedures, make sure that you are enlisting the services of trusted professionals. Always look for certified professionals.

Thanks to the advancements in modern technology, there are already several means to achieve the body you want. But always keep in mind that a healthy lifestyle is still the key to maintaining a youthful form. Make it a habit to choose healthier options, especially when it comes to your diet. Additionally, make sure to exercise regularly to maintain your form. Not only will it help you stay active and young, it will also give you the confidence you need.

Photo by Jannes Jacobs on Unsplash


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