5 Self-Care Rituals That We Should Never Shame Others For

Although many people participate in self-care practices, there's still an element of guilt and shame lurking around taking care...

This Near-Death Experience Started My Strange Phobia

I have my share of fears and phobias. For example, I am truly afraid of walking down stairs. Look,...

How The New Lifestyle Trend ‘Lykke’ Can Make You Happier

Lykke is the latest Scandinavian lifestyle trend that has become increasingly popular around the world. With research showing  that...

10 Golden Rules To Help You Think Positively

Nowadays, positive thinking has become a popular concept, but what exactly does it imply? According to Mayo Clinic, positive thinking...

5 Types Of Drinks That Are Safe For The Keto Diet

The best sip can quench anyone's thirst. It is the very reason why a lot of us look forward...

5 Essential Oils That Will Help With Weight Loss

Essential oils have many curative abilities when people inhale them, add them to baths, or use them as ointments....

4 Things You Need To Do To Improve Your Mental Health

I’ve never been the type of person to set  New Year’s resolutions. I feel like most people stick with...

5 Reasons You Need To Trash Your Cigarettes For E-Cigs

It is estimated that one out of every 20 adults in the United States now use e-cigarettes. There are...

I’m Going To Regain The Control I’ve Lost To My Anxiety

I’ve let it have too many parts of me. It's stolen my joy. I’ve let it take control of...

Why You Should Try Morita Therapy For Your Anxiety

One of the most important parts of living is growing and improving as a person. As the years pass,...

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