How Generation-Y Can Stop Social Media From Fueling One-Sided Opinions

Over the past year, Facebook timelines have been overrun with links to blogs advocating for sides of a story....

Post What You Want: The End Of Unofficial Rules For Social Media

The social media police needs to back off. Telling people to stop doing certain things on social media is so...

The ‘TMI’ of Social Media Sharing

A synopsis of my Instagram feed at any given moment: dog – girl with friend – lunch – selfie...

Social Media: Wrecking Relationships Since the Days of MySpace

Ahhh, social media. It’s the crutch of our generation; the bane of our youthful existence. We love it, we...

No Filter Needed: Why It’s Okay To Put Down Your Phone And Get Lost

Published by Erin Golden. Today I stumbled across this quote from Jeremy ​Glass: "We can't jump off bridges anymore because our iPhones...

#StopTheSubtweet: How an End to Subtweeting Will Leave Us Better Off

Twitter: A form of social media founded in 2006 as a means of communication in 140 characters or less....

The Good And Bad Of Gen Y Living Life Through A Camera Lens

With over 12,000 tweets notched up on my Twitter account, and nearly 3000 pictures on my Instagram, does that...

What Your Facebook Friends are Really Thinking…

We all have those Facebook friends – the ones with the 8 paragraph status updates, the ones who post...

Love in the Age of Tinder

If you're a college kid, a young professional or just single and bored, you've probably heard of the ever-so-interesting...

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