Why I’m Intentionally Staying On Social Media This Holiday Season

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The holidays are often a time for retrospection. While we engage with our friends and families, we often disengage from social media. Being plugged in 24/7 via our smartphones, tablets, and laptops can take its toll. Hence, it’s not surprising that many of us decide to unplug during this time of the year and be in the moment. After all, many say that “the most wonderful time of the year” can be the worst. Especially online. 

I, however, will be one of those that opt to continue to stay plugged in. 

Holidays, especially those that take place during the winter months, can be detrimental for those with mental illnesses, with chronic illnesses, in the LGBTQ+ community, and many others. For so many of those people, their social isolation can escalate this time of year. 

Nearly 40% of LGBTQ+ individuals say that they are rejected or estranged from friends and family. Holidays are a notorious time for family togetherness, which already faces the added stress of the perfect Hallmark card fantasy.

Scrolling through the idealistic pictures of drinking hot cocoa in front of the Christmas tree could exacerbate their existing anxiety of rejection. After all, nothing makes us think of what we don’t have more than seeing what everyone else does have. Therefore, I’m staying online for my LGBTQ+ peers who feel alone and need a friend to talk to. 

Furthermore, 45% of Americans suffer from a chronic illness. The type of the illnesses and their severity vary, but many of them leave us unable to perform even the most basic tasks. Opening Facebook and seeing all the beautiful decor and elaborate meals is hard when you barely have the energy to shower, much less go all out with garland. I’m staying online for my fellow spoonies that need to reach out during a flare. 

Over 19% of Americans suffered from a mental illness in 2018, and suicide is the 2nd leading cause of preventable death in individuals aged 15-34.

Mental illness is a very serious business. When you’re suffering from a monster like depression or anxiety, it’s all-consuming. Medical assistance and treatment are often life-saving. That, however, does not lessen the stigma and isolation we experience. It’s hard to get excited about baking cookies when you can’t seem to get out of bed. As a moderator of a Facebook group aimed at offering fellowship for these very issues, I’ll stay logged in. 

The bottom line is that social media can have a dark side.

Seeing everything the Jones’ ordered from Prime can inspire jealousy, envy, and discontent. It’s only human to want what we don’t have, whatever that may be. But social media can be a life preserver for those of us who feel like we are on the fringes. It offers communities of like-minded people to reach out to. And it affords us the opportunities to get to know others, just like us. 

So I’m staying online so that you’re not alone.

Featured image from Jakob Owens via Unsplash.


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