Healthy Lifestyle Era: Why You Need To Start Drinking More Tea

benefits tea

Drinking tea is a simple habit that can contribute to your overall health and well-being. While tea is an ancient beverage, it’s only relatively recently that so much research has emerged supporting the health and even psychological benefits of tea. Let’s explore some of the ways that tea can help you enjoy a healthy new lifestyle. 

Popular Varieties of Healthy Teas

Teas come in many varieties. Keep in mind that actual tea comes from a plant called camellia sinensis. Herbal “teas,” while they have benefits of their own, are not actually tea and fall into a separate category. While the nutritional profiles of different types vary, all teas contain antioxidants and other nutrients. Let’s look at some of the leading types of teas. 

  • Black Tea – The most familiar type of tea, which is mainly produced in Asia. Common varieties include English Breakfast, Earl Grey, Ceylon, and Darjeeling. Black teas have the highest caffeine content of all teas. 
  • Green Tea – Milder in color and flavor than black tea, green teas also contain only about half the caffeine. Most green teas are mainly produced in China and Japan. Matcha teas, which date back to the 12th century, are a healthy and popular variety.
  • White Tea – White teas are minimally processed and favored by connoisseurs. They tend to be more costly than green or black teas. 
  • Oolong Tea – A traditional Chinese tea that is partially oxidized and contains qualities of both green and black teas. 

Top Health Benefits of Tea

Antioxidants May Help Prevent Disease

All types of tea, including black, green, and white, are rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that have several possible health benefits. Green tea contains the highest percentage of polyphenols. 

  • Supports healthy blood pressure. 
  • Helps maintain healthy blood sugar and may prevent diabetes.
  • Supports bone density. 
  • Supports gut health. Polyphenols support the healthy bacteria in the digestive system. 
  • May reduce the risk of strokes. 

Supports Energy and Focus

The caffeine content of tea, along with other nutrients such as potassium and antioxidants helps to maintain focus, alertness, and energy levels. For example, one study found that drinking black tea helped participants improve speed, memory and performance on cognitive tasks. 

Helps to Manage Anxiety and Stress

Many people are facing increasing levels of stress in our fast-paced world. Many stimulants, which are widely used to support energy and focus, increase anxiety and often make users jittery. Tea is a beverage that has both a mildly stimulating and a calming effect. 

People who find the high caffeine content of coffee too stimulating often find that tea helps alleviate stress. Black tea has approximately half the caffeine content of coffee, green tea about a third. Tea also contains the amino acid l-theanine, which may have a relaxing effect. 

May Help With Weight Loss

In addition to the caffeine, the catechins in tea help to boost the metabolism. Regularly drinking tea, when combined with an appropriate diet and exercise, can support weight loss. When consuming tea to lose weight, it’s best to avoid adding high calorie additives such as milk or sugar. 

Tips on Getting the Most Out of Tea

Identify the Optimal Quantity and Times to Drink Tea

How much tea should you drink? Harvard School of Public Health reports that two to three cups of tea daily are optimal for reducing the risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and stroke. You can enjoy tea at any time of day. However, if you are sensitive to caffeine, you may want to confine your consumption to daytime. 

Find the Variety of Tea You Prefer 

All traditional teas have health benefits. Find the kind that you prefer. Caffeine content is another consideration. If black tea is too strong, try green. 

For Best Results, Use Loose Tea

If you want to maximize the health benefits of tea and enjoy the best flavor, the best option is starting with loose tea rather than tea bags. The only tool you need is a tea infuser or strainer. 

Prepare Tea to Your Liking

Steep tea from two to five minutes, depending on how strong you want it. You may find that adding certain additives increases your enjoyment. Try adding honey, lemon, cinnamon, ginger, or mint. 

Tea: A Beverage For All Occasions

Tea is a traditional beverage that can be appreciated in many ways. Whether you drink tea to relax, lose weight, energize, socialize, or focus, it’s one of the small pleasures that adds to your quality of life. Find the variety of tea you prefer, drink it plain or add flavorings, and enjoy!

Photo by Jilly Noble on Pexels


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