‘I Felt That’: 17 Times Twitter Users Showed Us How Relatable We All Are

Social media is one of the best ways for the youth of today to realize that they are in fact not alone with their feelings. Over the last few weeks teens and millennial’s alike have been sharing song lyrics, quotes and lines from our favourite movies that they relate to by using the term, “I felt that”.

Users have gotten quite creative with their tweets, and the trend has gained such popularity that it’s actually been going on for over a month. I know, it’s been that long we’ve been constantly hitting that re-tweet button. So I’ve compiled a list of some of the most relatable tweets.

Here are a few moments where we all felt that no matter of our situations:

Who knew this 1999 banger would have predicted the feeling for our whole lives?

This was deep…

YAS QUEEN! Every empowered woman felt that!


I freaking feel this on a daily basis. And I’m not even sorry!

Who doesn’t need a little bit of a butt-kicker inspirational feeling every once in a while? I know I do.


Now this is something that’s definitely in my blood.

I don’t mean to sound dramatic about needing attention, but…. I can relate.

This preacher really did preach, holy!

I mean, she isn’t lying…


Don’t we all feel that?

This hit me in the feels…

It’s pretty funny how the internet is able to bring people together when they share a similar opinion or have the same feelings. If there’s one thing we can all relate to is loving a good trend, and I’m glad this one hasn’t lost momentum.

Featured image via Ga on Unsplash


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