Even Your Bathroom Knows You’re Single

Think you’re keeping it a secret that you’re single? Here’s what your bathroom has to say about that:

The toilet seat is always down. In other words, there’s never anyone in there who would need to lift it. The last time a guy picked up the toilet seat is about the same time you last lifted the toilet seat to clean it…

Your razors aren’t even near the shower. What?! It’s winter! If nobody is going to feel your legs, there is no reason to shave them… right?

Your tweezers/pore strips/acne cream are all over the counter. Because if anyone you were trying to impress was going to be in there, they’d be well-hidden. They can keep thinking that you just wake up looking that sexy.

Only one of your towels is in the bathroom. If anyone else were using that bathroom with you, we’d like to hope there would be another towel in there.

Your lipstick is actually used. Because there’s approximately a zero percent chance of it rubbing off anywhere (except maybe on your food…).

All your condoms are in the bathroom. Basically, they’re not in your bedroom, which is where they would be if you were getting any action. Or even hoping to be getting any action.

Your retainer case is open. You’re probably even wearing it. And since retainers are the opposite of sexy, you clearly aren’t expecting any sexytime to be happening soon.

Your tampons are out in the open. Because, let’s be real, most boys are terrified of tampons. So you might put them somewhere else if you thought any boys might see them. Seeing as they’re not, the tampons can have free rein over the bathroom.

You forgot to take your birth control. Again. Oops. Oh well.

Featured image via The Princess Diaries


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