Oracle Cards: Everything You Need To Know

Woman Reading Oracle Cards

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life, young people are nowadays becoming more inclined towards connecting with their inner selves. Apart from all the other methods, oracle cards have become increasingly popular in recent years as individuals search for new and unique ways to connect with their inner selves. For those unfamiliar with Oracle cards, they may seem like simple decks of colorful cards with pretty pictures, but these cards actually hold a deep spiritual significance.

In case you are aware of the significance of Oracle cards, this article is the right one for you. 

If you’re interested in learning more about Oracle cards and how they can help you connect with your intuition, then keep reading. In this article, we’ll explore the origins of Oracle cards, their purpose, and how to use them effectively.

What Are Oracle Cards?

Oracle card decks typically contain around 44 to 72 illustrated or themed cards that are meant to guide individuals through various aspects of their lives. The images on each card represent different emotions or concepts that someone might be experiencing; for example, love, abundance, or transformation. When used with intention and intuition (more on that later), these card decks can offer guidance in helping people make decisions or gain insight into certain circumstances.

Unlike tarot cards – which follow a specific structure known as the Major Arcana, there is no set order for oracle card decks. Each deck has its own unique focus and method of interpretation. Some might see them as similar to divination tools such as rune stones or I Ching coins since all three rely heavily on individual interpretation.

Classifying Oracle Cards

There are several types of oracle card themes available today, ranging from Celtic mythology to angels. You can get authentic Oracle cards online from

Here are some popular categories:

  • Angels: These oracle card decks revolve around messages from angelic beings who aim to guide you through life.
  • Animal Spirits: This category involves using animal themes as guides during readings.
  • Tarot-Type: While not technically tarot-related, some oracle card sets follow a similar blueprint.
  • Ascended Masters: Practical wisdom provided by historically significant people, including Jesus Christ himself.
  • Fairies: Fairy oracle decks usually concentrate on adding mystical elements into one’s daily life routine.
  • Chakras and Auras: Chakra oracle decks focus on teaching you about the seven chakras and their possible impact on one’s life as an individual.
  • Crystal healing: These sets guide users in using crystals for healing-related purposes or choosing specific stones based on their vibrations.

How To Use Oracle Cards

Using Oracle cards is less daunting than Tarot cards but requires a similar amount of practice to master. Follow these steps:

1. Choose Your Cards: 

The first step when working with an Oracle card deck is to choose a deck that resonates with you. Take your time, browse various online stores, or compile lists of recommended options before making your decision.

2. Set Your Intention & Focus: 

Once you have decided which deck to use, set a clear intention before picking up the cards for the first time. It could be anything from inviting positive energy into your day to seeking clarity regarding a specific area of your life.

3. Shuffle The Deck: 

Shuffle the deck observing routines such as holding closed eyes or focusing only on one thought in mind throughout. This pattern creates centeredness while also clearing unnecessary thoughts from mind space, allowing intuition to flow cleanly during shuffling.

4. Draw Your Card/s: 

With each shuffle, start separating some number of topmost ones and place them in front so that it becomes easier to draw freely without fear of unintended pickings within the bunch. Drawing freely allows one’s intuition to guide him toward the right choices.

5. Interpretation Time: 

During interpretation, look at all details on the chosen card/s, including colors used in illustrations, and meditation symbolism, if any exist. Almost everything contained there should hold meaning that ultimately fits into the overall narrative created by one’s intuition and intentions prior to starting with this exercise!


Oracle card decks offer beautiful ways for people to seek divine guidance through insights gained during routine reading sessions held consistently over periods. This ranges anywhere between days to months and can produce insightful revelations relevant even outside spiritual matters. Start using them today and explore the intuitive mysteries they hold within.

Feature Image by Alina Vilchenko on Pexels


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