Home Health 15 Ways To Relax In Honor Of National Relaxation Day

15 Ways To Relax In Honor Of National Relaxation Day

It’s been a busy year for many of us. Whether studying, job hunting, or traveling, we all need to wind down. If you’ve been looking for a break, fear not: August 15 is National Relaxation Day. If you’re wondering what you can do to relax, here are 15 great ways to get some much-needed rest:

1. Take a nap 

Many of us associate relaxation with naps. If you’ve been constantly sleeping late and waking up early, perhaps it’s time to take a nap. It’ll help you catch up on sleep, improve your alertness, and help you recover from fatigue

2. Journal 

Our minds are preoccupied with thoughts, and bottling them up isn’t productive. So what can you do? Begin by writing them in a journal. This will help you identify your emotions and triggers. Once you’re done, you’ll feel a weight lifted off your shoulders.  

3. Take a nature walk 

It’s draining to surround yourself with buses, skyscrapers, and cars. So why not take a nature walk? Spending time in nature often leads to improvements in memory, decreased stress levels, and lowered feelings of depression

4. Take time to reflect 

While relaxing, take time to reflect on yourself. Ask yourself what you’re most proud of, and congratulate yourself on your improvements. Use this time to reframe your negative thought patterns and adopt a growth mindset. 

5. Meditate 

Meditation allows us to focus on ourselves and our thought patterns. To begin, find a comfortable space and focus on your breathing. Throughout your session, remember to focus on the moment. 

6. Read books 

Reading books is great to calm the mind and enter a new world of adventure. You don’t have to finish the book in one setting, so don’t feel the need to rush. Just enjoy the process.

7. Listen to music 

Music is a great way to de-stress and relax. Researchers from Stanford University have observed that music can change brain functioning, similar to the effects of meditation. So, grab your favorite playlist and listen to some lo-fi jams. 

8. Paint 

Painting allows you to transfer your emotions onto a blank canvas. Thanks to that, you can express your inner creativity and connect with your feelings. 

9. Take a social media break 

Consuming too much social media isn’t healthy for the mind. Seeing different people’s accounts automatically makes us want to compare our lives to theirs. So, instead of focusing on others, focus on yourself in honor o National Relaxation Day. To do this, simply ditch social media for at least one day. 

10. Go to the beach 

Beaches are known to be relaxing; in fact, they’re now used as a form of therapy. There are many mental health benefits of beaches, which include lower stress levels and improved well-being

11. Do a word search 

Word searches are good for your brain since they exercise your problem-solving skills. If you’re off social media, you can utilize these word searches to pass the time and improve your vocabulary. 

12. Connect with family and friends 

If you’ve been busy focusing on your own tasks, now is the time to reconnect with your loved ones. Whether you have a close friend or family member nearby, reach out to them and arrange a meet-up. Catch up with them and focus on developing a closer bond. 

13. Try visualization 

Visualization is the practice of picturing what you want for the future. It’s similar to manifestation. Once you picture yourself achieving your goals, you’re more likely to accomplish them. This leads to decreased stress levels and improved performance.

14. Drink lots of water 

Hydration is not only good for your physical health but can also lead to emotional benefits such as less frequent mood swings, improved focus, and feelings of happiness. So, when you’re relaxing, have lots of water nearby. 

15. Spend time alone. 

Sometimes, it’s best to spend time alone to recharge. Being around people can be draining. But being alone will give you some time to clear your head and rest. 

Taking a break when everything becomes too challenging to manage is always good. So for National Relaxation Day, let’s remind ourselves of the importance of clearing our minds. Regardless of what day it is, we should never feel bad about taking a break and relaxing.

Featured image via cottonbro studio on Pexels



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