Home Latest 13 Instagram Dads You Should Follow This Father’s Day

13 Instagram Dads You Should Follow This Father’s Day

As Wade Boggs once said, “Anyone can be a father, but it takes someone special to be a dad.”  Being a caring father is a choice, so in honor of Father’s Day, here are 13 Instagram dads who deserve more than a card and are definitely worth following:

1. Father of Daughters


Simon Hooper, also known as FOD, is a father of four girls who shares his experience of fatherhood on Instagram. Back in 2016, when the Hoopers were expecting twin girls, Simon started his Instagram account to show the daily life of a modern dad. He knows everything about domestic chaos, and he shares the messy (but still fun) side of being a father. Today, Simon has around 946,000 followers, which proves that people crave authentic photos of dads who are more than just breadwinners.

2. Papa Pukka


Papa Pukka (Matt Farquharson) is another popular Insta dad. As a journalist and copywriter, Matt started his account to help parents engage with their children in new, creative ways. His account wonderfully combines funny pictures and handy tips, so it’s perfect for anyone who loves authentic stories and a good laugh.

3. That Dad Blog


Alan Lawrence is a happy father of 6 children (including one with Down Syndrome), and he loves sharing the joys and challenges of special needs fatherhood. As an art director and web designer, Alan often takes creative photos of his son, which inspire other parents who face challenges. His account promotes kindness and equality, so definitely check it out!

4. Badass Canuck


Shaun Zimmer is the man behind Badass Canuck, an account that promotes a healthy lifestyle and shares the importance of being a caring father. As a single father, Shaun spends much of his time playing with his little lady. He lives by the philosophy, “It doesn’t matter how manly you are. If your little girl wants you to have a fairy tea party, then you have a fairy tea party.” The photos of muscular Shaun and his little princess are sure to melt your heart!

5. Ties and Fries


Josh Davis is a well-known Instagram dad who co-runs a blog with his wife Naomi (a.k.a. Taza). Together, they both celebrate the joys of parenthood on social media. Josh shares funny, genuine photos of parenthood, and his perfectly imperfect family inspires parents around the globe.

6. Unlikely Dad


Tom is an adoptive gay dad who lives with his husband, Daniel, as well as his son. Today, the Unlikely Dad account helps potential adoptive parents understand the process and face challenges together. Tom writes from his heart, sharing sweet family photos and picture-perfect proof that love is love and families come in all varieties.

7. The Dad Lab


If you’re a math geek or a techie, you’ll love The Dad Lab, which is dedicated to helping kids fall in love with STEM. Sergei Urban, a father of two boys, shares his fatherhood journey posting science experiments and innovative ideas for how to engage children in learning.

8. Adrian C. Murray


Adrian C. Murray is a photographer, writer, and dad who makes his busy life look easy. A father of four, Adrian spends time with his little ones, writes children’s books, and shares his parenting experience. Be sure to check this cool dad out!

9. Daddy to Triplet Girls


Being a father isn’t easy, but becoming a daddy of four overnight is even harder. As a triplet dad, Alex from Daddy to Triplets Girls knows everything about the challenges of parenting. Check out his Insta for beautiful images, handy tips, and personal stories about the challenges and triumphs of triplet life.

10. Brad Fit


Brad Lawson is an IT specialist, a fitness guru, and a proud father of two kids. His account will teach you how to manage time, set goals, and raise children. So if life’s hustle and bustle overwhelms you, head over to his account.

11. Tate 28


Steve Tate is a dad of six children who has also suffered the death of his son, Hayes. Since the loss of his child, Steve has become a childhood cancer advocate. This account will teach you how to never give up in life and in parenthood.

12. Dad Down Load


Want to know the truth about parenting? Check out Lee Chisholm’s account! The busy dad posts funny, creative photos that depict life with an “ever increasingly active tornado of a toddler.” Putting his sense of humor to good use, Lee takes hilarious photos that show the unpredictable life of a father.

13. Adventurous Dad of 5


It goes without saying that a good dad spends quality time with his kids. Steve, who runs Adventurous Dad of 5, jets across the world (often with kids in tow) and shows his love even when he’s away for work. Check out his account for travel tips, fatherly love, and serious wanderlust vibes.

Father’s Day is not just about using Instagram templates to create a cute card; it’s also about promoting the ever-evolving paternity lifestyle. Luckily, these Instagram accounts help show us the benefits of being a daddy.

Enjoy these modern dads, but don’t forget about your own old man this Father’s Day.

Featured Photo via father_of_daughters.



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