Home Adulting Here’s How Manifestation Helped Me Deal With My Anxiety

Here’s How Manifestation Helped Me Deal With My Anxiety

I’m always anxious — constantly overthinking, overanalyzing, and overreacting. It’s anxiety. I obsess over something and begin imagining all possible scenarios until it feels like I might burst.

One moment, I’m fine; the next, I’m at my ex-boyfriend’s sister’s roommate’s cousin’s best friend from high school’s social media page, trying to figure out if they’re dating my ex. 

I’ve tried everything from journaling to confiding in friends and distracting myself with hobbies. But no matter what, the anxiety just kept taking over.

That was until I discovered manifestation.

Now, before you start thinking I’m talking about potions and witches’’ hats, let me stop you there. That’s not it. 

Manifestation is about turning dreams into reality through focused intention and action. It’s the power of believing in yourself and your ability to create the life you desire.

In 2020, TikTok exploded. During lockdown, most of us spent hours scrolling through it. The topic that stood out to me the most was manifestation. 

“You can have the life you desire—all you have to do is manifest it,” I heard from so many creators. They made it seem so simple. I had desires, plenty of them, but I didn’t know how to make them a reality.

So, I started my manifestation journey but quickly realized I was doing it all wrong.

I took the creators’ words too literally. I’d recite statements but then engage in behaviors that didn’t align with my desires. I kept checking my 3D (current reality), seeking confirmation that what I wanted wasn’t coming my way.

I wondered why my desires weren’t coming. Then it hit me: I needed to trust the universe and be patient.

Think of manifesting like ordering pizza. You place your order and wait for delivery. Do you start to worry if the delivery guy will get lost? No. You trust it’ll arrive when it’s ready.

Once I grasped this concept, manifestation flowed effortlessly. I stopped obsessing over social media, stopped worrying about texts, and remained calm and present. And lo and behold, my manifestations began to unfold.

I went from bombarding my best friend with concerns to saying, ‘You know, I’m okay if it doesn’t happen.’ It was as if I’d transformed into a different person, radiating confidence.

Learning about manifestation made me a calmer, more relaxed individual.

I no longer go on social media stalking sprees or entertain doubts. Instead, I affirm, ‘(blank) will happen. I don’t know how or when, but it will. And if it doesn’t, I’ll be okay.’

Don’t get me wrong — I still have doubts; I’m only human. But I view them as learning experiences. Manifestation isn’t a linear journey; you’ll stumble and fall, but that’s okay. Acknowledge it, get back up, and keep going.

When your manifestation does happen, it’s mind-blowing. It’s simpler than we make it out to be, but we let go of our fears and doubts and let the universe work its magic. The tighter we hold to our desires, the harder it is for them to manifest naturally and the stronger our anxiety. So keep going and trust the process. 

Give it a try and see where it takes you. Try manifesting a free coffee tomorrow and see what happens. Let us know in the comments below how it turned out for you!

Featured image via Daniel Chekalov on Unsplash



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