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This Year, Let’s Stop Self-Rejection


After years on a rollercoaster of self-rejection without even realizing it, it’s time to share what I now know: Stop constantly rejecting yourself. You can remain true to yourself, and learn how to love yourself better, more confident than ever, when you learn to stop rejecting yourself. 

To understand self-rejection, I’ll explain my journey.

Picture this: you have constant chatter in your mind, questioning your worth and choices. Yep, that’s the friend we all wish we could unfriend – the inner critic. Self-rejection is that nagging feeling that keeps us from embracing our true selves, flaws, and all.

My battle with self-rejection has negatively impacted my mental health.

I fell into a mental health haze. If you’ve ever feel lost in a maze of emotions, I feel you. That describes the mental health rollercoaster fueled by self-rejection. It took me a while to realize that showing myself kindness was the way out.

Secondly, I had relationship drama. Have you ever started second-guessing every text or worrying about what people think? Guilty as charged! Self-rejection creates drama in relationships, making it tough to navigate the waters of connection.

And thirdly, my self-rejection served as a stumbling blocks to growth. How many times have I talked myself out of pursuing a dream because that inner critic convinced me I’d fail? Too many. Self-rejection creates a sneaky roadblock to personal growth.

Have you been stuck in these three spirals?

If so, you really do start to wonder how you can shift your ways of thinking into a new perspective. Luckily, I’ve found some things that help me: 

1. Embrace self-compassion.

My mantra is now “Treating myself like a best friend going through a tough time.”. With self-compassion, you can offer yourself that warm hug for your soul, and boy, did I need it!

2. Confront your inner drama queen.

That inner critic of mine sure knows how to put on a show! But I started challenging those negative thoughts, realizing most were just old tapes playing on repeat.

3. Celebrate the little wins.

Remember that time you conquered a fear? Celebrate those small victories! Acknowledge your progress and give yourself the credit you deserve. I sure did.

4. Surround yourself with sunshine.

Finding my support squad is crucial. Surrounding myself with people who not only embraced my quirks but also encouraged me to shine made all the difference.

Cheers to a journey of embracing imperfections, celebrating victories, and learning to love the beautiful mess that is you. Self-love doesn’t perfection; it means embracing the wonderfully imperfect journey we’re all on. Let’s make this ride one filled with genuine, imperfect, and utterly beautiful self-love. 

Featured image via Erriko Boccia on Unsplash



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